20. Troubled

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Lan Xichen cursed his heart for making him unable to leave. His confession had left Wanyin in shock. He could see emotions cloud so thickly, he didn't even notice the departure. Lan Xichen was currently going around the Sect, avoiding the quarters or the guest room altogether.

Even his self-restraint wasn't good enough when it came to Wanyin. He spent all his day either at the grounds or around the various small lakes that covered Lotus Pier. For a long time he sat at his favourite spot, Wanyin had brought him to, in their very first moment, covered in grass, under the tree, private and serene. Only when late in the evening after he was resolved to simply retire for the day, did he go to his room and all the resolve not to see Wanyin crumbled at the sound of Miss Zhou's voice.

"Sect Leader Jiang. Why are you all wet? Did you go to the lake again? Let me fetch you fresh clothes."

Lan Xichen found his feet drifting in that direction, "No. Please get someone to prepare a bath."

"Oh! It is done already."

"Thank you for your work Miss Zhou. You can retire for the day." Lan Xichen had turned the corner and saw Miss Zhou rushing in Wanyin's room and rush back out with a clean cloth and wrap it around his shoulders, fretting about. Anxious anger rose in his chest wanting to pry away the woman's hands from Wanyin' shoulder. The worst part was Wanyin standing perfectly still, following her movements with his eyes. Lan Xichen was only a few steps away when their eyes met.

"Miss Zhou. Please retire for the day." Lan Xichen heard the command in the voice and the woman retreated with a small bow and no words.

If it were in Lan Xichen's habit to rage and storm, he would have done it, like he did back then. But he was outside his sect with a clan name to uphold and thus asked in perfect composure, "Is it because of her that you refuse me?"

Wanyin, who had begun to enter his room paused at the door, "No."

Then he proceeds to walk in. It is only when the towel was removed from Jiang Wanyin's shoulders did he end up regarding the state of the person before him. His outer robe was too thin, clinging along with his inner robe to his frame like a second skin. Lan Xichen found his restraint breaking at the dripping wet hair that the other let loose or the robes that stuck in sinful places. Lan Xichen looked away before he could get closer.

"Wanyin. What about me? What do you feel about me?" his eyes got pulled back by a pair of cold hands and crumpled skin pressing into his face as freshwater slipped from Wanyin's lips to his.

"This." Wanyin's lips moved against his in answer but he couldn't comprehend as he lost himself in the kiss. It was slow, just a press at first before Wanyin pulled away and breathed a sigh onto his lips. Then Wanyin came forward, slowly pressed their lips together again, closed his eyes and took the bottom lips between his, sucking and sliding his tongue delicately as if savouring his favourite dish, moving to capture the corner of his lip and pulling it away before rolling his tongue in a flick, proceeding to run it along the inside of his lips. Lan Xichen's body moved on its own as the other's tongue asked for permission. It was slow, so painfully slow. If possible, Wanyin slowed down even more. Playing with his tongue, exploring his mouth, sucking and nibbling and he kept going. He was drowning.

This kiss was unlike the Wanyin he knew. Did he really not know or understand Wanyin at all? He had to pull away for his head couldn't think straight. All it did was savour every slow second of the kiss that left him breathless. Wanyin seem to be more in his senses than him as he turned his back to Lan Xichen once again.

Wanyin went about his room, speaking and pulling dry robes, placing them on the screen, loosening his other robes, removing his boots. The act would have undone him had the words not been shocking.

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