oo6. city of the dead

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oo6. city of the dead

Deep breaths.

They've finally arrived at their destination. It's not a sweet getaway, far from it as creepers fill any line of vision. Many of the buildings have caved in from when the government dropped napalms on the city, but there's a decent amount still standing. Decent enough to slide in and out, no problems, maybe even search for some new clothes since a shower these days is hard to find.

"Look at all those muertos," Navy says, disgusted. She takes the lead as they sneak just inside the city limits, yet far enough away to not be spotted. "What do you suggest we do, eh? How do you wanna go about this?" Navy asks, clicking her gun. "What did you plan out on the map?"

Paper begins to wrinkle as Atlas unfolds the map from out of her pocket. Her eyes dart back and forth between the map and the compass Navy gave her last night. "Uhm, I don't . . . Uh . . . It says here― I, uhm―"

Navy rests a soothing hand on her protégée's shoulder. "Keep level-headed," she guides. She could easily navigate it all herself and have them in and out of the city but it's vital that Atlas learns to survive on her own in this new world order. After all, it is just the two of them and Navy may not always be around. "Remember what we practiced?"

"Okay, okay . . ." Atlas's shoulders loosen as she shuts her eyes and counts to five. When she opens them, a determined glare locks onto the map. "We go east and into the sewer lining. It leads to a department store and there's a pharmacy across the street."

Navy grins. "Good."

Rapid gunshots are heard not far off and Navy and Atlas look at each other, worried. "That's a good thing, right?" Atlas asks, trying to keep the shakiness out of her voice. "A distraction?"

"It means someone's out there," Navy gasps.

Atlas isn't surprised. She knew they weren't the last survivors. If a 13-year-old and an estranged agent can make it, then it's more than likely others can toughen it out, too.

"Let's go," Atlas says. She latches onto Navy's arm and guides her to the sewers. Navy silently lifts up the lid and dips down first with Atlas following suit.

They climb down the rusted ladder and the instant one of Atlas's tennis shoes touches the murky water, she accidentally steps on a rat with the other.

It squeals out. Navy quickly sticks her hands beneath Atlas's arms and hoists her up. She's light so it's easy to maneuver her off of the rat and let her trail behind. "Careful," Navy whispers.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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