✨Over Steeping the Tea✨

Start from the beginning

She guided them to a two person booth by a window and placed their menus out in front of them. She then asked, "What would y'all like to drink?" Nova scanned the menu and nearly had a heart attack. The menu was in a whole nother language. Sort of like the symbols Wu had on his brown bag from earlier or the ones she saw in her vision. She should've known that this would happen, due to the giant signs and billboards throughout the city that were throwing giant ass hints at her.

Janova bit her lip and then released it a second after. She then clicked her tongue and huffed out a short laugh. "Um, Skylor... I can't read this. Do you have any...um... English menus?" She expected the girl to get an attitude with her, but she didn't. Skylor only smiled and said, "Oh of course! We offer menus in at least ten different languages. But trust me after no time, you'll pick up on the symbols. It's just the alphabet and numbers that are different. It's not like it's a different speaking language. It's just used for reading and writing. But I can totally get that for you sweetheart!"

Nova handed the menu back to Skylor and she walked away from the table to retrieve the English menu. Wu cleared his throat and said, "Well that's surely one thing we're going to have to work on. But just like she said, it's not hard. I promise. You'll be good after a month or so." Nova smiled at the old man, internally screaming at her illiteracy to this new country's language.

Once Skylor came back, Janova was finally able to order her drink. She ordered a medium Coca Cola with no ice. Once her eyes landed on the different tea selection, she knew for sure that Wu was going to order tea. And to her ultimate prediction, she was right. Wu ordered some weird ass type of tea, Janova couldn't quite pronounce the name of.

Skylor walked away from the table, to go retrieve the drinks. Once Skylor disappeared around the corner, Wu gave Janova a knowing look. "This is probably going to break your heart, because you seem to love food... A LOT." Janova nodded her head eagerly while smiling. "But we're gonna have to set some limits on the calories. Specifically the sweets intake."

Nova gasped and pouted, "Wu! No! The hell you didn't. Why? I..." Wu interrupted her, "Your training starts tomorrow so you are going on a temporary diet. It's to make sure your body is able to handle the endurance. If you base your diet on junk food, how will you get the proteins you need to have energy?"

"But Sensei I.." Janova said attempting to counter his statement. "No buts. Butts are for sitting." Master Wu said sternly. "And also for smacking, fucking, biting, licking, if that's your swag, but the list does go on......." Nova said blatantly. Master Wu gave her a disgusted look and then his expression changed into a "You know I'm right" stare, letting her know that he was serious about her eating habits. Nova huffed and grunted, staring out the window, "Fine." Wu smiled at her, speaking softly, "Janova do it for yourself. You wanted this so now you have to follow through with..."

Janova countered his bullshitting sentence, "Actually. If we're being technical, I could've easily ran away and changed my mind about meeting you at that fountain. In a way you forced me into this, sooooooooo.....we're quite even actually. I'm just speaking facts (fax) no printer." She ended her dis with a little finger sashay, smirking at him.
"It seems that you are indeed correct. I didn't win this one." He said with a slight bit of amusement in his voice. Janova always had to have the last laugh in arguments, but sometimes that wasn't such a good thing to have.

Skylor came back with the drinks and placed them in the table. She repeated their drink order back to them, "One Coke and one *Kokeicha tea." She then handed Nova a straw and Wu a small silver spoon. Skylor had begun to take out her notepad and pen as the loud metal vs ceramic battle could be heard from Wu stirring his tea. Master Wu then dipped his spoon in the teacup, taking a quick sip of his hot tea. At the same time, Janova opened her straw, plunged it into the coke, and then took a generous swig of her bubbly drink.

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