✨List of Liquor✨

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Loud explicit music played throughout the crack house, amplified because of the giant bluetooth speakers that sat in the corners of the living room. Ghetto, middle aged men and women danced all through the house. Their sweaty bodies grind on each other, soon causing a ridiculous amount of random make out sessions to happen later. Everyone was drunk and high, there was not one sober mind in that house except for one 17 year old girl.

Janova sat in her room staring straight at the party. Her room had no door at all, but she had her own private bathroom in there. The bathroom was small and manageable but she could barely take a shower without the worry of seeing some big ass roach trying to take one with her. Those little disgusting perverts.

Nova had a few hobbies like drawing, singing, and dancing but doing them still didn't make her fill whole. She longed for people or someone to love her, a family, a support system. People to tell her it's okay when she's feeling bad, someone to laugh and joke with her, or just someone to be around. Her whole life she grew up as a foster child.

Ashlyn took Janova in when the little girl was only 8, but gave little to no fucks about the foster child. Well at least it seemed like that to Janova. Ashlyn was 32 years old at the time and randomly thought that doing the "stuff" infront of an 8 year old was ok and she still does now, as if it's nothing.

Ashlyn was now 41 and still threw parties at her house, or whatever that dump is "supposed" to be. The house was absolutely filthy. It had paint peeling off the floor and walls. It also had random stains and spots splattered on the walls and floors. Bugs crawling around as if they owned the house and it smelled of nothing but drugs and alcohol. Lately, Janova's been lying to the foster agents when they asked her about how her foster mom was treating her, mainly because once she turned 18, she could leave the house that felt like hell.

Janova didn't have long, it was already the first beginning of September and her birthday was in March. Janova had always wondered why her mom and dad didn't love her and gave her up. She often made excuses for why they didn't keep her, but the truth never changed, It always came back to "they left me because they didn't love me"

For her age, Janova was very mature. She was always the one to get groceries and she taught herself how to cook and bake. Ashlyn depended on Janova more than Janova depended on her.

"They are so fucking loud, and for what?" she said annoyed and irritated. Janova listened to music, in hopes her favorite songs would calm her down. She was highly frustrated. She sighed and whispered softly to herself, "How in the fucking hell am I supposed to study for my online test with them bumping and grinding in there?" Shaking her head in dismay, she quickly snatched the head phones off her head and turned off her music. Nova looked over to the mirror that sat above the sink in her bathroom and grimaced. "Damn I look musty as hell." she laughed softly. Her hair was in a curly puff but it was nappy and needed to be washed.

Janova got up and walked into her bathroom still staring at her self. Her melanin skin practically glowed in the evening sun and her face gave off a beautiful sun kissed effect. Janova admired her skin up until her eyes landed on her acne scars taking over her forehead and face. Newly developed pimples stared right back at her. "Proactive does the perfect job" she said with sarcasm lining her voice "It cleared my acne right on up!" She rolled her eyes and grumbled all at while stomping out of her bathroom. The teen grabbed her cell phone and walked out of her bed room, right into the party.

Janova grimaced at the middle aged men and women dancing. "That's nasty and weird, the fuck?" she said to herself. Janova had a sweet tooth and craved something sugary and sweet, so she headed to the kitchen. She knew she didn't really need it because she was already thick enough, but who gives a damn? She'd lose the weight some day...in the far future. She still was able to dance her black ass off though.

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