Undiscovered pansexuality

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A/N: *Cries*

Dream's POV:

I woke up feeling like shit, well not too much like shit, physically at least, but my mind was fuzzy. I was tired, and I couldn't remember much. George was fast asleep next to me. I smiled and kissed his forehead then climbed off the bed. I stretched and walked into the kitchen. Quackity, Nick, and Karl were awake playing video games. "Hey Dream," Nick said and looked back to the TV right away. Karl chuckled, "what?!? You guys are acting weird," I yawned and got some water, then it all came back to me. What the fuck.

I ran back out to the family room. "Hey...uh, sorry for being weird last night," I cringed and the headache hit. It was this shitty pain right in the center of my forehead. Drugs and alcohol at the same time...probably my worst idea yet. Karl burst out laughing. "Where's George?" Nick asked. I looked off awkwardly. "Asleep," he nodded in an exaggerated way to fill the awkward void. "You know what can y'all fucking grow up? So, you're gay and as your dick sucked, we've all wanted our dick sucked at some point," Quackity said after a while. "Yeah Sapnap, you always want your dick sucked!" Karl added for enthusiasm, which just made us laugh.

I sat down on the couch and leaned my head on Nick's shoulder. "Sorry," I mumbled. He laughed, "Nah, don't apologize, it was just awkward as fuck, plus I'm permanently traumatized now," I laughed and looked up towards the TV. They were playing a game I didn't recognize, so I leaned back on the couch to watch.

"When are you all leaving?" I asked, "Later today, we're flying into California to get most of Quackity's stuff, then we're going to visit Ranboo and everyone who lives out there, then we'll head back here to pick up Nicks stuff, and then we're going back to my place and we probably won't travel for a while after that," I nodded. "I'm going to miss you all like crazy," I said quickly, Nick nodded. "Yeah, I'll definitely move back to Florida in a year or two, I just feel like it's best if I get out of here for a while," I half smiled and hugged him from the side. "Yeah, I get it..." my voice trailed off as we all got distracted by the game again.

"What about George? When is he leaving?" Karl asked. "Oh...well, I'm not sure. I kind of asked him to move in with me last night, but I don't know if he ever answered," They paused and looked over at me. "Damn, I mean, best of luck to you," Quackity said. "Bro, you're such a dick!" Karl shoved his shoulder while laughing. "I'm serious though, I hope you guys last," I smiled like a stupid fucking simp. "Yeah...me too," we all laughed and talked about it for a while, then I heard the door to the bathroom open from the hall, then George came walking in while rubbing his eyes. 

I picked him up and kissed him all over his face. "Good morning!" He laughed and hugged me. I dropped him but he clung onto my neck and wrapped his legs around my waist. "I'm starving," he muttered then waved to the others. "Hey, Gogy," 

"We should go out to eat before all of you have to leave," I suggested, then sat down on the could with George still clung onto me. "Ugh, you guys are all in love in shit, do you know how lonely I am," Karl sighed. "Me and you both, I don't even care who at this point," Nick agreed. "Yeah, girl, boy, they, old, of age, mm..." Quackity went on a rant about his undiscovered pansexuality and I got up to get tea for George and me. He gripped onto the back of my shirt while I carried him into the kitchen, then placed him on the counter and kissed his lips softly. "How did you sleep?" I asked. "Good, you?" I yawned. "Good, you were nice and warm," he chuckled softly. "So...I was looking at two tickets to London for us, I want to take you there before I fully move in here, plus it'd be nice to see Wilbur, and Jack, and Tubbo, and Niki, and Tommy, you know..." I looked over at him in shock. "YOU'RE MOVING IN??" I sprinted across the kitchen and grabbed his face. He smiled and nodded. "Of course, I'm not turning down an offer like that," I laughed softly, "yup, I didn't doubt it,"

I lied, I totally doubted it. George loves London, even though he lived alone. He had a lot of friends in the area. "Yeah, plus I'm not ready to go back to jacking off to the thought of you when I could have real you, full time." I turned red. "You did that?!?" He laughed. "Yeah, I told myself I was just a gay guy fantasizing about a tall, hunky, blonde guy, but the countless times you could hear, 'ClAy~' coming from my bedroom, said otherwise," his moan wasn't that realistic, compared to the ones he actually does, but it still made me blush. "George!" He laughed and leaned in for another quick kiss. "It's fine, when we were streaming yesterday, I only had to touch myself because you did something hot on stream," He blushed and buried his face into my shoulder. "What is wrong with you!?" He asked. "I've got a horrible case of the Gogy's," 

A/N: Ooh, cute I guess. We're nearing the end of this, which is pretty swaggy:D I have a few DNF books sitting in my drafts that I've been dying to start, but I had a shit ton of books I was already working on, so now that I'm finishing up the last of them, I'm going to be able to start those soon, which is really exciting:))

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