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George's POV:

"Dreammmm!" I yelled and slipped into our shared bedroom. "Yeah?" He yelled, "I'm streaming George!" I thanked myself because I nearly yelled out babe, and that would have been horrible.

We decided to not put a label on us, if you haven't noticed, Dream isn't huge on labels, which I never understood, because to me they're reassuring. But it made sense. We should wait out the game before we put a label on anything. We also changed the rules a bit. Dream didn't want anything rushing how we feel towards one another now that we've come to terms with our feelings for each other. So we're stopping with the four-month thing.

Plus I've let him convince me to cross out the no kissing rule. His mouth was very convincing, can you blame me?

Dream got sick when we were at the beach a couple of days ago, he kept saying he was fine but then he ended up getting me sick too. I was fine at first because he took such good care of himself, but since he forgot to warm himself up too, we both ended up deathly sick. Not the best way to spend the last day and a half, but Dream insisted on streaming today, plus that way he could hang out with Nick and not get him sick.

I opened the door and saw dream leaning back in his chair. He smiled up at me. "Hi George," I walked over and looked at what he was doing. Minecraft with Bad and Karl. "Ooh, George is here? Your beloved," Karl laughed. "I'm not his beloved idiot," I looked over at chat and laughed. I pointed out a few things to Dream which made him laugh. "Ooh, what are you laughing at?" Karl asked. "Just something on chat," I leaned over and kissed his forehead, making sure it was silent. He put his hand on his forehead and pretended to pass out which made me laugh. "Here, pull up a chair," Dream told me. I shrugged and sat down in his lap. "George-" he said but I covered his mouth, "here, this is my favorite chair in the whole house," I told the stream then looked back to see Dream with a very red face. He shifted underneath me and wrapped his arms around my waist and looked around me so he can keep playing.

Karl said something funny and Dream laughed, his abs tensed and I felt his chest moving up and down with his laughter. I placed my hands on his thigh and sat back a little. "George! Damn it!" he grabbed my hips and pushed me up a bit and I realized what I did. "Oh my god I'm so sorry," I covered my mouth to hold back my laughter. "Language!" Bad shouted. "What did you do George?" Karl asked. Dream turned bright red and shoved my shoulder in a panic. "I...spilled his water?" I shrugged after making up that lame excuse and looked at dream who was pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing. "Yeah, you little shit! And now I'm all wet," he told me in a snappy voice, I knew Karl would make a joke out of that.

"Oh no George, you got him wet," He said while laughing. Bad was as clueless as always. "Here, Dream's going to go change, I spilled water all over his pants," I lied. I stood up and grabbed Dream's wrist and shoved him towards the door. He flipped me off and glared at me as he hurried out the door. Hopefully, he'll be quick. "I'm going to mute real quick I have to go talk to Sapnap," I lied again and muted before leaving.

"Nick! Nick!" I ran into his room, "hmm?" He looked up from his phone. He was streaming too, which I didn't expect. "Oh hey, I was just about to join the VC," I nodded and walked over and muted his computer. "If anyone asks, you needed Dream for something and that's why it took him a while to change," he gave me a weird look. "We're having a DNF moment, don't ask questions," I told him then ran back to Dream's room.

I unmuted. "Sorry, I'm back," I told them.

We stalled for a while until Dream eventually came back. He cleans up nice, I must admit. I muted and explained the Sapnap thing so he nodded in a relieving way. "Y'all sound fucking weird, what the hell happened?!?" I jumped out of fear when Quackity randomly appeared in the call. "Jesus Christ! You scared the shit out of me!" Dream yelled. "LANGUAGE!" Bad yelled in the background. "Dream gave me a fever," I told them. "Damn Dream, that's pretty rude," He laughed. "No! You can't just say, 'oh dReAm gave me a FeVer!'" He mocked my British accent, which had turned more American sounding after living here.

"There's a story behind that! Technically it's your fault we got sick in the first place," He said in a defensive voice. "Yeah, I was the only smart one there," Sapnap added. "Ooh, storytime? Story reveal?" Karl asked. "Yeah, can we even tell the story?" Dream asked and looked over at me. "Mm, bits of it yeah, let me tell it," I told him.

"We all went to get donuts a couple of days ago, and we got mad at each other for something. So it was a big mess, and somehow we ended up at a beach. But it started raining a bunch so Sapnap ditched us and walked back to the car," I started. "Yeah, then we both stayed back to like talk about the fight and stuff, but then a stupid storm hit and when we got back in the car George was like shivering- and you know he's like short and skinny so he was like extra cold, so I made sure he stayed warm. We had like this towel but yeah," I laughed. "Yeah but then you got sick and gave me a fever anyway,"

"Oof, F in the chat for these guys," Karl said. Dream's chat was spamming stuff like, "aww!" and "F"

"You did not just say fucking 'oof' Karl," Quackity started. That sparked a whole different conversation which I didn't care to join in so I turned myself around to face Dream, and wrapped my legs and arms around him. I felt like shit, plus I was freezing, and Dream's warm body was nice.

A/N: Bro it's already 2:am, that's strange.

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