Sexual things

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A/N: Ahhhh:/ What's up>:D

George's POV:

I hurried into the bathroom and turned the shower on, then got in, cringing at the freezing cold water. After I cleaned myself up and washed my hair I sat in the hot water for a while. My mind was racing with a million thoughts. I didn't really know how to feel about what just happened. I mean, I knew I liked it. And part of me wanted to go back into Dream's room and do it again. But at the same time, I knew it was stupid to do that. 

I'll probably never be able to look at him the same anymore, and I couldn't go to vent to anyone because they'd probably just say, "he's your boyfriend though??" And I'd have to explain to them how he really isn't my boyfriend, and I can't even explain for myself why he's my fake boyfriend so that would just be a huge mess. And the only person that would understand is Dream. But yeah, I can't face him after what he just saw me do. I glanced down and saw slight bruises forming on my hips. Great. I thought back to what just happened and hid my face in my hands. 

What's wrong with me? AND NICK IS STILL HOME! 

I groaned and immediately felt guilty and gross for that. The only thing I could think to do was text Wilbur, so I opened my phone and clicked on his contact.  

GNF: Is it bad to do sexual things with people?

Wilbursoot: Haha, what makes you ask that?

GNF: My dirty past is catching up to me,

I lied.

Wilbursoot: ah, got it

Wilbursoot: It definitely isn't bad, it's a part of life. It's only really bad if you're hurting people, or if it isn't consensual. 

GNF: What about when it just confuses you?

Wilbursoot: Hey man, is everything good with you and Clay?

GNF: OH! Yeah it's fine, I'm just...having a mid-life crisis

I lied again.

Wilbursoot: As long as you figure out what's best for you and the person you're doing it with, and you know you really want to, you'll be fine.

GNF: Thanks, haha, it really helped

Wilbursoot: Of course:) Good luck with Dream.

Dream's POV:

I looked up and saw George walking in. He was wet, with a towel wrapped around his waist, hanging kind of low. I could see the slight line from his belly button to his crotch and his hip bones. His hair was slightly curled and more messy and free than it usually is. It looked hot like this. 'Why do I have to have a crush on the prettiest person alive?' I thought to myself, then quickly cringed at myself for calling it a crush. My mind trailed off whiling thinking about George's body and all the magical things I could do to it. I caught myself staring and quickly glanced off to the side. "How was your shower?" I asked randomly, trying to break the extremely awkward silence and tension in the room. "It was fine, just...a shower?" I nodded and watched him grab a hairbrush and leave the room again. 

George came back fully dressed and grabbed his phone then climbed on the bed next to me. He looked so cuddly and warm, that it was nearly impossible to resist the urge to pounce on top of him and cling onto his snuggly body until I'd fall asleep. 

That can't happen though. Not today at least. Especially not now.

A/N: It's like 3 in the morning and for one I'm actually hungry why must my body betray me like this.

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