The campers, even Chiron, had regretfully told him that Katniss was gone, but there was a chance she wasn't. She had the Curse of Achilles. One strike at her soft spot and she would be dead. But she was also immortal. There was a chance, one small chance, that would make Kronos inside her die, but she herself would be fine.

"Come forward," She said. "If you dare."

According to that big prophecy, Percy was supposed to make a choice that saved or destroyed the world when he was sixteen. That was only seven days away. Why not now? If he really had the power, what difference would a week make? He could end this threat right here by taking down Kronos. He'd fought monsters and gods before.

As if reading his thoughts, Katniss smiled. No. For now, she was Kronos. He had to remember that. He wouldn't even be able to lift his sword otherwise - and Kronos knew it.

The crowd of monsters parted. Percy moved up the stairs, his heart pounding. He was sure somebody would stab him in the back, but they let him pass. He felt his pocket and found his pen waiting. He uncapped it, and Riptide grew into a sword.

Kronos's weapon appeared in her hands—a six-foot-long scythe, half Celestial bronze, half mortal steel. Just looking at the thing made Percy's knees turn to Jell-O.

But before he could change his mind, before he could let his heart crawl into his throat, Percy charged.

Time slowed down. I mean literally slowed down, because Kronos had that power. Percy felt like he was moving through syrup. His arms were so heavy, he could barely raise his sword. Kronos smiled, swirling his scythe at normal speed and waiting for Percy to creep toward his death.

He tried to fight the magic. He concentrated on the sea around him—the source of his power. He'd gotten better at channeling it over the years, but now nothing seemed to happen.

Percy took another slow step forward. Giants jeered. Dracaenae hissed with laughter.

Hey, ocean. Any day now would be good.

Suddenly there was a wrenching pain in his gut. The entire boat lurched sideways, throwing monsters off their feet. Four thousand gallons of salt water surged out of the swimming pool, dousing Percy, Luke, and Kronos and everyone on the deck. The water revitalized him, breaking the time spell, and Percy lunged forward.

He struck at Kronos, but he was still too slow. Percy made the mistake of looking at her face—Katniss's face—the girl he had a pretty big crush on. He couldn't just kill her...if the plan didn't work...

Kronos had no such hesitation. He was even inhabiting the daughter of Thetis, a water goddess. He sliced downward with his scythe. Percy leaped back, and the evil blade missed by an inch, cutting a gash in the deck right between his feet.

Percy kicked Kronos in the chest. She stumbled backward, but she was heavier than Katniss should've been. It was like kicking a refrigerator.

Luke raised his sword, but Kronos waved him off. She swung the scythe again. Percy intercepted with Riptide, but the strike was so powerful, his blade could only deflect it. The edge of the scythe shaved off his shirtsleeve and grazed his arm. It shouldn't have been a serious cut, but the entire side of his body exploded with pain. Percy remembered what a sea demon had once said about Kronos's scythe: Careful, fool. One touch, and the blade will sever your soul from your body.

Now he understood what he meant. Percy wasn't just losing blood. He could feel his strength, his will, his identity draining away.

Percy stumbled backward, switched his sword to his left hand, and lunged desperately. The blade should've run her through, but it deflected off her stomach like he was hitting solid marble. So that wasn't her Achilles spot.

[1] 𝐼𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑢𝑠 - 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑦 𝐽𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑠𝑜𝑛Where stories live. Discover now