Chapter 32: Training Days

Start from the beginning

By the time Katherine and Septimus had returned, everything was set. Serenity had been deposited into Helena's care at the Fuersts, and Septimus, with wand in hand, took his position in front of his parents and professor.

"Are you prepared?" Severus asked sternly; his posture shifting into former professor mode. Both Katherine and he had crossed their arms in front of their chests, and their eyes bore into the blacks of their son's. All three adults stood stiffly; mouths set in firm, straight lines, and brows furrowed slightly.

"I guess so," Septimus shrugged lightly; not quite sure of what to expect from the three of them.

"," Severus sneered; his lips turning upwards in disgust to the simple answer. "Unfortunately there is no time for guessing in a real life situation. Over the course of the next week you will be learning and relearning the many varied spells of protection and defense against the Dark Arts. The Dark Arts, themselves, are many, varied, ever-changing, and eternal. Fighting them is like fighting a many-headed monster, which, each time a neck is severed, sprouts a head even fiercer and cleverer than before. You are fighting that which is unfixed, mutating and indestructible.

"So..." his voice lowered, causing Septimus' eyes to widened and slouch slightly under his father's glare. "First things, first. A simple blocking spell. You will first learn to block unfriendly spells, such as Expelliarmus or Stupefy, and the like."

"We learned those second year," Septimus said, shrugging a bit.

"Good," Severus stated sharply with a scowl. "Then this will not take long." Within seconds of Severus finishing his last word, Katherine had her wand withdrawn from her robes.

"Expelliarmus," Katherine shouted; aiming her wand at the boy. Septimus' oak wand leapt from his hand and flew into his mother's outstretched one.

"Hey!" Septimus shouted in surprise. "I wasn't ready yet!"

"You have to be ready at all times!" Severus hissed, rounding the boy quickly. "This is not dueling club. There is no one giving you the ready, set, go. You have to be prepared to defend yourself at all times."

"Throughout this week, Septimus," Katherine said lowly. "You will be learning everything from the simplest of defensive spells to the most complicated one. Some that even are not found in books."

"We have one week Mr. Prince," Darius finally spoke up. "We know this is a lot to take in, but you have the capability to master all of them. Remember, we are scheduled to leave next Monday."

"With that said, let us begin," Severus said, as he withdrew his own ebony wand.


"Arghhh..." Septimus groaned in frustration, before flopping down onto the grass. "I can't do this!"

"Yes you can," Severus said dryly, from where he sat upon a tree stump.

"I can't," Sept growled lightly. "I've been practicing for the last month, and I still can't get it right! And there's only two days left!"

Severus sighed heavily, running a pale hand through his midnight colored hair. The boy had achieved every spell they had thrown at him; all except the Patronus charm. He knew it was going to be difficult, and a part of Severus wondered if his son would ever truly be able to produce a corporeal one. So many couldn't, but he was at least satisfied that Septimus could produce a shield; it would help at least fight off two, or maybe three Dementors.

"I don't mean to pry," Severus said softly. "But what are you thinking of when trying to conjure your Patronus."

"Anything and everything," Septimus sighed, as he sat up, in the grass, to look towards his father.

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