It is hard to describe a woman who holds such beauty beyond those eyes, but it is easy to explain the layer of evil that could be seen behind those same eyes once it was found. Beauty was often a layer that god placed over us to hide our deepest and darkest insecurities. When you see someone with true beauty, you never seem to wonder what else could that person could be hiding, because their beauty makes them seem like a goddamn saint.

Beauty was the killer of all mankind.
Dropping to your knees at the sight of someone beautiful was easy, but reaching into the soul of someone with such beauty was something that nobody often did. Beauty is categorized by the outward appearance and not by the brain itself, which explains why our eyes gravitate towards outward appearances, because we exempt beautiful people from being anything but perfect.

Looking into the eyes of a beautiful man or woman, you never stop and think about the way that they their eyes stare back. Is their gaze providing comfort or is their gaze something more sinister than that?
Of course our first instinct as humans is to believe that the beautiful person who is staring us in the face is admiring our features, but what if they weren't? What if their intentions were not as innocent as we perceived them to be?

What if the one who holds all of the beauty is using that beauty to their advantage? Their eyes may linger on us as prey, or maybe they really are just admiring us back. The truth of the matter is that the most beautiful people can have the darkest and most broken mindsets. For instance, Ted Bundy lured women in with his charisma and undeniable good looks, but his intentions were never as pure as his charm put him out to be. We as a society have been blatantly blinded by the outward appearance of those with perfect features.

Sanity doesn't only choose those who look to be the part, Insanity chooses those who can hide it the best.

Arabella Thomas sat at her desk with her fingers clacking into the keyboard. Her boredom was obvious to anyone that stared in her general direction. She stared off into space as she attempted to respond politely to the man on the other end of the phone. Her responses remained polite, when really she was trying not to yawn on the receiving end of the line. She was an average woman with average responses, just trying to get through a typical nine-to-five workday.

She awaited the work day to be over from the moment that she had arrived. She sorted through files, answered phone calls, and even sat in on an interrogation to pass the time. Being fresh out of college, it is a miracle that she had been able to obtain a job in such quick fashion. Currently, Arabella was just the intern at her relatively new job.
Her job was to fetch coffee for the officers and chief of command while everyone else got the privilege of getting their hands dirty in an investigation.
She ached to feel as if she was doing something of importance rather than being the person that officers went to when they needed a caffeine fix.

At the ripe age of twenty three, she had never expected for her big dreams to be torn down by hungry police officers. Arabella had graduated with a degree in criminal psychology, wanting to change to the way that the police force prayed on the mentally ill. She didn't believe that all murderers were bad people, she truly believed that some had just fallen victim to their own mind. It was easy to create a stigma on the mentally ill, and she was determined to change that if she was given the proper chance.

"Arabella?" She heard her name being called from another room. She popped her head up from the desk and looked over her shoulder to see who was calling her name.

Officer Maxwell, the good looking police officer of the bunch. She loved the way that her name rolled off of the tip of his tongue, she had to take a deep breath to control herself around the man. She brought her eyes up to meet his, providing him with a kind smile as she forced herself to gain composure.
This was the only man that she didn't mind tending to when he was in need because unlike other officers, he was kind, and extremely good to look at.

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