Chapter 31: I Remember You

Start from the beginning

The grandfather clock in the corner of the room chimed five in the morning. Harry sighed, knowing that Ron would not be up for another couple of hours, he would take his breakfast alone this morning. He began digging through the cupboards, searching for a simple breakfast of cereal and a croissant, when a sudden noise made him stop.

"Master Harry is hungry," Kreacher's voice came from his doorway. Harry turned to find the aging house elf standing there, watching him intently. "Kreacher will make Master his breakfast."

"It's alright Kreacher," Harry sighed, as he ran a hand through his unruly black hair. "I can get my own this morning. Ron will be up later, and you can make his then."

"Of course," Kreacher muttered, as he began to return to his room. "Kreacher lives to serve good Masters."

Harry sighed again, as he retrieved a bowl and the cereal from the cabinet; then summoned the milk to follow him to the table. He sat heavily down in his chair, and poured his breakfast, before looking up at the four contents that were lying on the table before him. Two letters and two small boxes.

The first letter was a joint invitation from Headmistress McGonagall and Minister Shacklebolt...

'To Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley,

Please join us for a Memorial Service

honoring the Lives of Those Lost

during the Second Wizarding War

Sunday, the second of May
nineteen hundred and ninety-nine
at eleven o'clock in the morning

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry

Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt                     Headmistress Minerva McGonagall

(Minister of Magic, Order of Merlin, First Class)                     (Order of Merlin, First Class)'

The second letter was from Mrs. Weasley...


Please join us for Sunday dinner

after the Hogwarts' Memorial Service.

Dinner will be a 5pm sharp.


Molly & Arthur'

Life had become different after the battle at Hogwarts. Both he and Ron became Aurors, along with Neville, Seamus and several others. Hermione, Ginny and Luna had gone back to school in September in order to finish out their N.E.W.T.S., so most Saturdays were spent in Hogsmeade seeing the girls.

The three of them had each received an Order of Merlin, First Class, about a month after the war; while several others of their classmates received second and third class Orders. But the two boxes sitting before him had been the hardest to get.

Granted they were Order of Merlin, First Class; it had taken forever for them to be approved. They would be the last Orders to be given to two heroes of the war, and they would be given out today at the Memorial Service.

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