Chapter 39

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JB, JJ, and I went back to the Chateau, Pope and Kiara went home. Then John B went to get something from Tannyhill, JJ left to pick up Pope and come back, and Kiara drove here.

I walk into my room to get some pain meds when I hear someone following me. I take the medicine and turn around to see JJ closing the door.
    " Hey." I say, acting innocent, even though I know what he's in here for.
    " Hey." He replies, and we stand there in silence for a moment.
    " I didn't forget about what I said earlier, and look," JJ says, looking around. " We're home." He adds.
     " Yes, but Pope and Kie are out there, and we are waiting for JB to get back." I explain, slightly turned on by the idea of them catching us but also not wanting to risk it.
     " What about Pope and Kie?" He asks, his tone full of jealousy, just like it was earlier.
    " Would you like me to call Pope in here, maybe he can help you with your issue." He says looking down at my legs. I look down to see my thighs rubbing together, trying to get some friction, and I stop it.
    " Don't be like that, you know I only want you." I say, stepping towards him.
    " Really?" He asks, still teasing.
" Yes." I say, kissing him hard.
    He deepens the kiss and tried to slip his tongue in but I deny him, smirking. He grabs my ass hard, making me gasp, and he quickly slips his tongue into my mouth. We continue kissing for a minute before there is a knock on the door.
     " Guys, JB's almost here, stop making out." Kiara says from the other side of the door.
     " We'll continue this later." JJ says, before opening the door for me. As I walk out the door, he slaps my ass, making me jump.
     " Babe!" I say, laughing, as I lightly hit his arm.
     " What?" He asks, acting innocent.
We walk to the porch and see JB walking down the road, and then I see someone behind him.
    " Oh shit." I say, noticing that the someone, is Sarah Cameron.
    JJ and I sit in a chair on the right side of the porch, and Pope sits on a stool next to us. John B sits down on the arm of the couch and Sarah sits down next to him as Kie paces the floor in front of us.
    " No effing way!" Kie says says.
" You brought her here?" Kie asks, pointing to Sarah.
     I don't necessarily have a problem with Sarah, but Kiara's my best friend so if she doesn't like her, I don't like her.
     " So what? She's in on this now?" Kie asks.
John B looks down for a second before looking over at JJ, Pope, and I.
     " I dunno." Pope mumbles, shaking his head.
     " Look, all I care about is that her cut comes out of your share." JJ says from beneath me, resting one hand on my thigh and the other on the arm of the chair.
     I don't comment.
" You know, I don't remember taking a vote." Kie says, and she has a point. We usually vote in big things, such as including new people into our group.
     " This is our thing." Kiara explains, pointing to JJ, Pope, JB, and I.
     " A Pogue thing." She adds, and I see Sarah glaring at her from the corner of my eye.
     " I gotta say, I'm just a tad uncomfortable with all this." Pope speaks up.
     " Thank you." Kiara says.
" When are you not uncomfortable?" John B asks, annoyed that Pope sided with Kie.
     " I dunno. I rode here on the back of JJ's bike, pretty comfortably." Pope retorts.
    " It's true. Most relaxed I've ever seen him." JJ adds.
    " That's cute, guys." John B says, annoyed that none of us defended him.
    " I didn't say anything, if that helps." I say quietly.
    " You know, we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her." Kie says, glaring at Sarah.
     " Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" Sarah says, speaking up for the first time.
    " Then leave." Kie retorts, motioning towards the door, making Sarah scoff.
    " I told you." Sarah says, turning to JB, which makes JB look at her.
    " Told him what, exactly?" Kiara asks.
" That you're a liar?" Kie adds.
    " No, that you're a shit-talking bitch." Sarah says, making everyone look at her in surprise, except me. I am about to go off when JJ grabs me tighter, silently telling me to stay out of it.
    " Oh yeah?" Kie says.
" When have I ever lied?" Sarah asks.
    While they argue, JJ pulls out his money and so does Pope.
    " My moneys on Kie." JJ says to Pope.
Pope doesn't say anything but he pulls out his cash to show that he will take that bet.
What the hell is wrong with them, betting on our best friend.
I lightly slap both of them on the head, but I grab and hold the money.
Kie and Sarah kee bickering before JB speaks up.
" Everybody shut up!" John B yells from his spot on the couch.
" Kie, you are my bestfriend, right?" JB says, pointing to Kiara.
Kiara motions her head, silently saying " So what?"
" And Sarah, you're... You're my," JB starts, but hesitates.
" Say it." Sarah says, a small smile on her face.
" You're my girlfriend." He says, smiling at her.
Plot twist. I knew that they liked each other, but damn, already. But I can't really talk because JJ and I basically moved just as fast, if not faster.
" That's new." Pope says quietly, but loud enough for us to hear him.
" She's your girlfriend now?" Kie asks, anger still in her voice.
" What was all that talk about how you were just using her for information. ' get a map, cut her loose.'." Kie says, paraphrasing what JB said before.
I can see that this hurt Sarah, and I kind of felt bad for her. She seems nice, she helped JB and I when we were running from the social worker, and she doesn't deserve to be hurt like that, but at the same time, she's not my friend, and JB and Kie are so I decide against showing how I feel.
" You said you were using me?" Sarah asks John B, hurt clearly written on her face and in her voice. John B runs his hand through his hair, clearly stressed out.
" No." John B lies.
" Yeah, you did." Pope says, exposing JB.
" Yeah, you said those things." JJ says from beneath me.
" Look, love just walked in, okay?" John B explains, raising his voice a bit.
" Vomit." Kie mumbles, annoyance in her voice and on her face.
" I didn't expect it. It just, it kind of happened." John B explains, stumbling over his words a little bit.
" And I'm not gonna deny it." John B says, looking right at Sarah.
" Right?" John B adds.
" Oh, that's corny." JJ mumbles, making Pope and I laugh.
" Look, cut the bullshit, John B." Kie says, after a moment.
" If she's in, I'm out." Kie says, delivering the ultimatum with no mercy or hesitation.
Well shit, that leaves the rest of us in a awkward position.
" Kie, I'm not doing this." John B says.
" You are gonna do this." Kie says, at the same time John B says " I-I- I can't!"
" I'm very interested, actually. Me or her?" She says, leaning her arms in the window sill behind her.
" Both." John B says.
He's an idiot, I can't believe he just said that, I look at him, my look expressing my feelings.
" ooh." Pope says.
" Went for the Hail Mary." JJ says quietly.
Kiara doesn't say anything, she just leaves, and I get up to follow her.
" I love you, John B, but you're a moron." I say, before walking out after Kie.
" I'd just like to say, you handled that beautifully." I hear JJ say, as I try to catch up to Kie.
A/N: Hi! Thank you for reading. Please vote and comment, it really means a lot to me. Have a great day!

Also I didn't go back and edit it so if you see typos or anything just comment and I'll fix it.

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