Torment Of The Past

Start from the beginning

"I wasn't aware your shitty, one-sided, idiotic ass could get into a college like this. So excuse me for dressing extravagantly. Oh, that's right, you're fuckin sour because you don't have money. Sucks to be somebody who only uses people for personal gain with no real meaning of a relationship." It took a lot to stand up to Shirace. Yes, he could very well overpower him in strength. That wasn't it, if his mind betrayed what he wanted, betrayed him with memories, then he'd lose strength, stuck in panic.

"You're just covering up for the fact you look like a fucking girl and you're not afraid to use that to an advantage.'' Chuuya froze, nearly dropping his bag as he choked on air and spun to realize the taller male was closer in proximity to him than originally thought. "I mean if you really wanted me to stop, you could have punched me right now. So what's holding you up huh chuuya-chan~" the mocking tone of his voice didn't match the aggressive movements of his body.

Chuuya lifted his arm just slightly, trying to stop the interaction. Yeah, he knew the moment he did something, he'd probably get another strike onto his name. "Back off." Chuuya managed to weakly mutter the words, forcing a cold glare into his eyes. His hands clasping into fists before feeling the cold touch of the other male. Everything hazed over, thoughts, will, it all turned away from his control as he sank back to being 15. The way he was completely drunk, everything hazy, faces blurred, all of them but his. The one person he should have been able to trust to look after his drunk ass. Illegally drinking, smoking, getting high, yeah the group he led had been a mess of problematic kids. The sheep had their reputation, and some of those kids were rich kids, with lives utterly perfect to the outside eye.

Chuuya should have known he was only the leader because he was gullible, loyal to dangerous levels, self-sacrifice, slightly intelligent, rich, hellishly strong for his small size. His appearance constantly made them underestimated, but they could hit back hundreds of times harder when the enemy realized Chuuya was stronger than any of them. He should have known, should have left before he'd turned 17, but he'd stayed with Shirace. Why wouldn't he, he always said Chuuya got delusional when he was drunk off his rockers. He believed that, but he knew what the other did wasn't delusions, he knew what happened when he was vulnerable in a place he should have been safe. The grip on his wrists the tug, faces closer, lips pressed far too tightly, Chuuya's reluctant glare and slight attempted tug. He'd been so drunk that night, all that happened was a kiss, but he hadn't wanted it. That should have been enough. It wasn't the last time that sort of thing happened, the names, the embarrassing description. The things that made him so self-conscious about his appearance all started with that night.

So as Chuuya stood there, his first reaction was to attempt a muffled scream, only to have the realization he couldn't.

Only a minute later, a cough, the sound of a throat clearing grazed at the chilled air. "Fuck off, I need him for a moment. Or would you rather undo all that healing you've had? Also, stop hitting on guys who clearly aren't interested. He literally sent you to the hospital at first sight so fuck off."

It was unmistakable, the sudden dominant presence that towered far above the other two. His eyes were drawn in such tight glares they rivaled the fear Chuuya's glares could provide. The firm way his voice hissed his words struck fear into Shirase and slowly brought Chuuya back to his senses. One could compare the look played out onto his face as an expression equal to the stars on TV that portray a villain, or a criminal, perhaps a mafioso.

However, in the quick second that held Shirace, Dazai's playful light was back, and his eyes returned to their shine as they looked to Chuuya who leaned against a tree. His chest rising and falling quickly, before hurling whatever he had for breakfast that morning. Dazai looked to the side trying to form something to say. Torn between hiding the want to comfort Chuuya, having only seen the last half of what happened as he finished making out with somebody. He knew Chuuya was lost somewhere far off, the way his eyes were when Chuuya turned to the brunette to grab the bag he'd dropped was similar to the night he'd snapped at him. The night when he'd compared him to a girl. The only thing he could think of was trauma. Chuuya's eyes still looked dull, lacking the spark they had when they left the dorm this morning. They bickered as usual, but now Chuuya didn't acknowledge he stood there.

It wasn't a conscious decision when Chuuya turned to walk to his next class. Dazai's arm just moved, his voice acted on his own calling out to the other. "Chu..." he trailed off, realizing the mistake as the other turned around, looking at him with annoyance.

"What? I didn't need you to step in, I'm not some damned damsel in distress. I can take care of myself. I was fine. There's nothing wrong, never has been. So just fuck off Dazai. I'm really sick and tired of your stupid comments and your trashy puns." Chuuya was quick to snap at Dazai, who staggered back in slight surprise.

"Chibi is so mean! I was just going to say how Chibi is h-hellishly pretty. You should be careful, boys like you often become the targets of other people despite gender~" Dazai corrected himself for the close call. That sentence came from his tongue as a defense to the need wanting to make sure the ginger was okay.

Chuuya stuck his finger up at Dazai as he walked away. Dazai ran his hand through his hair with an aggravated chuckle. "The fuck is wrong with me." He'd normally step in on things like this, but leave without so much as a glance to the potential victim. So of course, he was having issues dealing with whatever you called the pain in his chest.

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