Part 2, Chapter 9 "Auld Lang Syne"

Start from the beginning

I let out a breath, before slowly smiling.

The book was right.

"Well......, this is actually rather perfect. Mario gets to come back, and I won't have to deal with anything afterward. I wont have to live with the guilt of what I've done, I won't have to go to jail, AND best of all, my soul will be in Mario, so I won't even have to go to the Underwhere. I'll get to just disappear!"

This was perfect! I could see Mario one last time before disappearing. I wouldn't have to worry about anything. Things were all going to work out for me!

Daisy POV

Dimentio and I set up camp in the woods. He wanted to go into town, but I decided against it since he was still wanted. I didn't want him getting arrested and taken away from me again.

"Whoa! Your hair is so pretty!" I said, slowly petting it. "And soft...."

He grabbed my hand and took it off, then he put his hood back on. "I'd prefer it if you didn't pet me." 

I laughed. "And wow! I gotta tell ya, the new outfit looks GREAT! Whatever happened to the clown attire?" He shrugged. "It got ripped up."

I smiled. "Well, not to be judgy, but I think it was about time for an outfit change. And those boots and leggings! They're on point! You really pull them off! It really highlights your butt!"

He froze. I'm pretty sure his face went pale under the mask. "Could you please never say that again. I would deeply appreciate it." 

I just burst out laughing. "Oh, how I missed these little conversations we'd have!"

When the time came to go to sleep, I saw him sitting up, looking at the sky.

"Dimentio? Are you gonna sleep?"

He shrugged, then pointed up.

"That star keeps catching my eye."

He pointed to a green one. I got up and sat next to him. "Huh, really?" He nodded. "Yeah..."

I looked at it closer. "Hmm, it kinda reminds me of Luigi. I don't know why." He shook his head. "No, that's not it."

I furrowed my brow. "Huh? So what is it then?" He smiled.


I patted his back. "Ah, your boyfriend?" He leaned onto my shoulder. "Oh, ha ha." I smirked. "So, what was this L like?"

He yawned. "Oh, well imagine Luigi, but fearless. L was strong, smart, resourceful, and he made me smile. He had this personality....he was never unsure of himself. He knew he was capable of greatness. He wasn't afraid to speak his mind." I smiled. "He sounds wonderful." Dimentio sighed. "Yeah....he was."

"You want to hear something weird?" I asked. He nodded. "Sure." I smiled and pulled out my sword. "When I ran into Luigi, he was so different. At first I didn't even recognize him. That book really changed him. And, get this, he actually BEAT me in a duel with swords." Dimentio smirked. "Pffft, what? No way. Have you met Luigi?! He's to clumsy with a sword." I shook my head. "No, really! He beat me with such ease! It was like he had a hidden talent for it." Dimentio shook his head. "Impossible. No way Luigi could beat you." I shrugged. "I don't know how, but he did."

I saw Dimentio yawn again. "You seem tired. I think you should get some sleep," I told him. He shook his head. "No. I'm fine." 

I stood up. "Dimentio, you look like death. You need sleep. When's the last time you even slept??" He shrugged. "I don't know. When was I with you last?" I facepalmed. "DIMENTIO, THAT WAS MONTHS AGO, YOU'RE GETTING SLEEP!" He shook his head. 

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