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Rosie and Jungkook took turns fanning each other with a paper plate. They both were laying on opposite sides of the couch, feeling like they were butter being melted slowly. The weather was unexceptionally hot, and one thing about Rosie that you should know. 

She hates the heat. 

"It's your turn to fan me now, I've been doing it to you for too long." Jungkook whines as he throws the paper plate at Rosie's face, making her grunt. 

"Jungkook, you've only been doing it for 30 seconds." Rosie accuses as she adjusts her seating to fan him comfortably. 

"31.09 seconds, not 30." He corrects, using his hand to fan himself as well. "Of all the days the AC (air condition) could've broken down, it chose the worst one." 

Jimin walks into the living room, looking like a sweaty mess. "Is Yoongi still not here?" The singer and the bodyguard shake their heads, making Jimin whine loudly. "YOONGI WHERE ARE YOU." 

"When I call myself hot, I didn't mean this type of hot." Jungkook says as he melts into the couch. Meanwhile, Rosie and Jimin gave him a confused look, one eyebrow raised in sync. Their attention was immediately distracted as soon as the door opens, revealing a smiling Yoongi with 4 cones of ice cream. 

"Hey guys! I'm back with-" 

"FINALLY." They all scream at the same time as they run towards the manager hungrily. "Oh my god this feels amazing to eat." Rosie sighs in satisfaction upon licking the cold treat. 

"I still don't understand why you guys can't just go to Rosie's place instead." Yoongi questions, earning a blank expression from the three.

"Oh uh.."

"I didn't...."

"think of that....." 

They all stare at each other, realizing their immense stupidity. After facepalming about a hundred times, Yoongi finally speaks up. 

"I'll drive." He throws his keys up in the air, then catches it before walking out of the door, leaving the three stunned idiots behind. 


"Home sweet home!" Rosie greets as she walks into her lonely apartment, the incredible feeling of a working AC making them all smile with joy. "If you guys need to use my shower, it's open for you to use it. Just don't space out, I have water bills to pay." Rosie gives them an accusing finger as a threat, making them all nod in understandment. "Good, I'll put on some 'Friends' on TV for you guys while I go get changed, my shirt is sticking to my body and it's making me feel icky." She excuses herself from the room as the other boys spread out to different activities. 

"Jimin! Let's shower together!" Jungkook hops towards the producer, who immediately held Jungkook's shoulders still. 

"No thanks, last time we showered together, you wouldn't stop slapping-" 

"But Jimin! I won't do it again. Please!!" Jungkook pouts, which didn't seem to work on him. "Fine... I'll just shower....all alone..." Jimin could swear he wasn't imagining things but he could see Jungkook's bunny ears slumping downwards out of rejection, like a sad bunny. He presses his lips together before sighing. 

"Fine you can shower with me." Jimin says in defeat. But it was worth it since Jungkook was now smiling brightly and wrapping his arm around the other's excitedly. 

"Yay! It'll be fun! We can wash each other's backs, sing lots of songs!" Jungkook began his rambling as they enter the bathroom. 

Maybe Jimin was regretting his defeat, just a little bit. 

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