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"What else did Jimin ask for us to get?" Jungkook asks Rosie. Both youngins were sent to buy groceries at the supermarket. However, they forgot the grocery list. You wouldn't expect two people to make such a mistake.

"I-I'm unsure. Let's just call him-"

"No! He's going to scold me" Jungkook pouts, fearful of Jimin's angry side.

"Jungkook we only brought two out of the 9 things he asked. And we both were dumb enough to forget everything he asked us to bring. So let's just deal with his anger for the time being."

"Okay but you're the one making the call."

"No you."

"rock paper scissors, now." Jungkook's playful self comes into picture. Rock paper scissors was always his way to deal with decisions. To his surprise, his rock was defeated by Rosie's paper after three ties.

"Good luck." Rosie smirks, making Jungkook's pout even bigger. He fakes a cry before dialing the phone, preparing for Jimin's wrath. Rosie continues to stroll around for anything she needed for her apartment, even though she only goes there for sleeping and dressing.

She spots avocados from afar. Although they aren't her favorite, she knows that Jungkook loves putting them on his salads. When she walks up to the aisle, she's greeted with an unexpected guest.

"R-Rosie!?" Jennie exclaims, not expecting to bump into the singer so casually. "what kind of disguise is that? I can clearly tell who you are." Jennie sassily says, making Rosie shrink.

"I-I tried." She says quietly, grabbing three avocados and placing them in a plastic bag. "But I recognized you too, so it's mutual."

"Yeah whatever. Are you here alone?" She asks, also placing avocados into her basket.

"No, Jungkook is with me. He's just getting scolded by Jimin by the look on his face." She giggles as the look of fear makes its way on the bodyguard's face.

"Right....um. Anyways, we should hang out more often." Jennie suddenly says, making Rosie raise an eyebrow.

"W-why?" Rosie only can question. Why would such a big named model want to hang out with her, aside from THE Kim Taehyung.

"What? Am I that unlikable?" Jennie says with a bit of hurt evident in her voice.

"N-no! It's not that, I'm just shocked. That's all." Rosie tries to avoid the gaze of the model, but looks up at her when Jennie gives her her phone.

"Put your phone number in my contacts. I'll text you when I'm free." Jennie is bold. For someone with a brother who says 'choose your words carefully', she seems to be doing the complete opposite. Are they even twins at this point?'

"S-sure." Rosie takes the phone and punches in her number, naming the contact 'Rosie🌹'. "There you go."

"Cool. I'll hit you up soon. Stewart, let's go." Jennie gestures her bodyguard to the next aisle. "Bye Rosie." She waves to her and turns back around. A burst of excitement shoots up and Rosie sprints towards Jungkook, who seems to be crying silently.

"JUNGKOOK YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO I JUST TALKED TO." Jungkook smiles through his tears and whispers 'what'. "D-did Jimin scold you?"

"...yes..." Rosie coos at his current weak state, ruffling his hair to calm him down.

"Jimin is scary, isn't he." He nods slowly. "Well anyways, I just saw Jennie. You know, the model?" Jungkook widens his eyes, not expecting her to reveal such a big celebrity.

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