Group attack

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Also I had no idea what to put for the picture so just enjoy some wholesome boys

The students stood in awe at just how high and precise Tanjiro was able to jump, they kept being impressed by Tanjiro's skills.

Tanjiro landed, holding the person close to him, no one was able to identify who he was holding though.

Tanjiro let out noises of happiness and hugged the person.

"I'm so relieved you're okay, Nezuko!" The slayer happily said.

Nezuko hugged back, happy to see her brother okay as well, murmurs could be heard around them.

"Nezuko?! Like Nezuko from your world?" Tomioka asked loudly.

The two siblings let go of each other for Nezuko to look at Tomioka and give her iconic happy Nezuko noise.

"The fuck- why does she have a bamboo in her mouth? Didn't you say something bad happened to her?" Sanemi questioned rudely while stepping closer to the Kamados

"Wait dont come closer!" Tanjiro warns, the pink light was there which indicated that the weird portal like orb wasn't closed.

Sanemi stopped in his tracks just as the white orb glowed brightly again and another person jumped out of it.

"Woohoo! King of the forest, Inosuke, coming through!" Inosuke yells as he lands quite easily.

"Inosuke! So you're both okay, thank god!" Tanjiro sighs as Inosuke's eyes widen. "Moonjiro! It's daylight aren't you worried about Nezuko!?" He yells as he runs to Nezuko to cover her up from the sun with his own body.

Tanjiro smiled at how loving Inosuke was towards Nezuko but reassured him that she was fine.
"It's alright Inosuke, the sun doesn't seem to affect demons in this world, plus its pretty cloudy today, she won't burn"

Inosuke relaxed as he got off of Nezuko, huffing and trying to convince Tanjiro that he was never scared.

"Burn...?" Genya said out loud but caught the attention of everyone around.

"Yeah, from what you've said, only demons burn" Aoi states, not quite putting the pieces together yet.

Tanjiro had grown nervous, all day everyone there had seen demons as evil creatures, he wasn't excited to have to explain Nezuko's situation.

"Well you see....uh- it's not like she's a- well she is, but it's not like she's ever actually ate- uh..." Tanjiro kept stuttering until human Nezuko connected the dots.

"I'm a demon..." she said breathlessly finally realizing what was happening. People gasped, scared of this new information they had just received.

Tanjiro just nodded silently as Sanemi stepped forwards once again.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" he yells as he stomps closer to Tanjiro. "We've all been tormented by these demons all day and you're here with one as a pet?! She's gonna kill us all!" He added.

Sanemi screaming so violently scared Nezuko slightly and she hid behind her older brother.

"She's- she's-" Tanjiro stuttered, feeling discomfort from the man yelling at him so aggressively.

"She's what?!" Sanemi shouts, reaching his hand to grab demon Nezuko.

"Sanemi! That's enough!" Kanae yelled as she grabbed hold of the man's arm.

"Eh-" Sanemi squeaked with a blush, not expecting Kanae to grab hold of him.

"Stop assuming everything, dammit! At least let Tanjiro explain instead of jumping to conclusions like always!" Kanae ordered, causing Sanemi to freeze at her words.

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