Demon of the forest

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Tanjiro POV

We had arrived in a beautiful forest, leaves of all shades of pink surrounded us as it brought a dream like atmosphere. It looked like something you'd find out of a fantasy world, it flooded my senses with a feeling of calmness.

"Is this really where a demon is situated?" I asked confused.
"This place seems really calm and peaceful, not what I'd expect from a demon" I turned over to Inosuke who looked quite giddy, even with his boar mask, you could almost sense his peaceful aura, something rare from such a wild boy.

There was barely any sound that would be considered threatening, all that could be heard were birds chirping and leaves rustling in a calm breeze. The sun was setting which gave the pink trees a magical effect to them.

"We should search for the demon, it has to be around here." I exclaimed, shaking Inosuke slightly to pull his attention away from our surroundings. We walked around the beautiful forest, the night was brighter than others which was helpful in our search.

Although with the beauty surrounding us, there was no sign of any demon, even my sense of smell couldn't detect it. There was a specific smell to the forest which blocked off my sense of smell, it wasn't like the smell of the forest wasn't pleasant or like it was threatening but it sure did get in the way. Inosuke had also mentioned how his sense of touch felt all blurry around him and he'd probably not be able to detect anything unless it was close.

"Is this the demon's blood art?" I asked curiously, if blocking out our senses was the worst this demon could do, it wouldn't be too difficult to kill it, we'd just need to find it.

We kept looking around when there was a sudden wind that flew by, me and Inosuke both grabbed the handles of our swords, ready for battle. But nothing else happened, neither of us could sense anything near so I relaxed, taking my hand off my blade.

Suddenly I felt a strong grip on my ankle, and before I could react I was swept into the air, out of instinct I put my hand back on my sword but something grabbed my wrists before I could swing at it.

I looked around, trying to process what exactly had grabbed me, it was like a dismorphed vine mixed with the pink leaves of the forest, it had appeared to be mixing with demon flesh as well, although it still kept the beauty this forest held.

By now these vines were holding each of my limbs including my neck, pulling in opposite directions. I could see Inosuke panicking on the ground, I was too high for him to do anything, the pulling and twisting of the vines were causing immense pain, resulting in me letting out a cry.

I then felt blood splatter on my face and then the feeling of falling, I wasn't in the grasp of the demon anymore, but the speed of the ground getting closer was worrisome. I used a water breathing technique to break my fall.

"wait... how did I break free" I thought, still a little hazy from what had just happened, then it hit me, i no longer felt the weight of the box! I look up to see Nezuko fighting the vines in the air, she used her nails to rip them apart, she would jump from vine to vine in the air to keep herself up.

Suddenly one of the vines moved from under her, causing her to fall, I called out her name, "I can't let her fall because of me!" I thought as I tried to regain my balance, my legs were hurting from the twisting of the vines but I had to deal with it, I had to save Nezuko! She was too far.... she was falling to the ground so fast, i called out her name once again.

I saw a figure catch her and break her fall, saving her from a hard hit. I took a battle stance in case it was the demon, I still couldn't identify anything by smell, plus the vines gave a shadow making it hard to see. I let out the biggest sigh when my eyes adjusted to who was holding Nezuko.

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