Friends from another reality

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This chapter will have some characters from the manga~~~

Once Nezuko was brought back Tanjiro almost broke into tears, he knew this was a different world but seeing Nezuko as human again made him so happy.

"N-nezuko!" he cried as he hugged her tightly, Nezuko just hugged back confused, she had been told that a danger was at the front of the school so she had been worrying for her brother.

Tanjiro pulled back and removed the bread that was in Nezuko's mouth. "No fangs...." he breathes. Nezuko tilted her head at her brother.

"It's nothing, i'm just so happy to know you're okay here" He hugged her tight. Zenitsu appears behind him quickly, pulling his hair roughly.

"HUH?! You're saying that Nezuko from your world isn't okay?! How could you let such a beautiful girl be in danger!" Zenitsu yells, soon getting pulled off my Sanemi.

Tanjiro was looking into his sister's eyes. She still had her demon eyes but she was...human. She didn't act like a puppy, she could be outside, she never had to worry of being killed. Tanjiro let some tears fall, Nezuko wiping them with her sleeve.

"You didn't answer my question! you bastard!" Zenitsu yelled before getting smacked across the head by Sanemi.

" so sorry but in my world, i couldn't protect you" Kanae made an audible gasp, not to tease but she seemed to express emotions very audibly.

Tanjiro could have worded that better but in his state, he just was so happy to see her.

Nezuko didn't understand a thing her brother had told her but she did notice he was in distress so she just hugged him.

The moment was soon interrupted by Tomioka placing his hand on the demon slayer's shoulder. "How will you get back? you've already defeated the demon..."

"Oh.... that wasn't the main demon," Tanjiro answered. leaving the teachers speechless. "Wha- you mean- you're sure?!" Tomioka stuttered.

"Yeah that demon wasn't nearly strong enough to be the one i was fighting, the demon had enough power to bring me here, if it's sending demons to kill me, they'll probably get stronger over time." Tanjiro explains.

"Dumbass! How can you be so calm?! If you couldn't kill it in your world what makes you think you can defeat it here?! It's gonna kill us all!" Zenitsu screamed as he got hit again by Sanemi.

"N-no i promise to defend everyone! I was caught off guard! Plus I was still able to break it's attacks!" Tanjiro defended himself.

"What shall we do when you are fighting these creatures my boy." Rengoku asks Tanjiro worriedly. "We'll send the kids home of course!" Sanemi chimes in.

"No- we shouldn't risk it, since most of the students have been in close contact with myself, the demon could target one of the students, plus it targets me first but that doesn't mean it will leave the students alone, it could still have normal demon tendencies." Tanjiro explains. Sanemi doesn't really understand what he just said but Tanjiro was the expert.

"Alright! everyone in the building!" Rengoku calls out, proceeding with all the kids entering the school. The flame haired man turned back to Tanjiro: "Will you have to stay outside to look out for the demon?" he asked.

"No, I have a keen sense of smell and can sense where one is" Tanjro points to his nose, Rengoku laughs patting the boy's back.

Most of the students were inside the cafeteria and hall right outside of it, the kids were all kept in one place to prevent Tanjiro from having to defend multiple places.

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