Coming to terms with what happened

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Warning: lol just some swearing (-)
Oh and some manga characters-

All the students had been waiting outside, some crying out of fear, the others anxiously waiting still.

Muichirou felt guilty, he felt as if he made the situation so much worse for Tanjiro and now he could die.

Yuichirou had been comforting him but it didn't seem to be working. Kanao was in Aoi's arms, she wasn't crying, it was like she couldn't.

Nezuko was fighting against Genya's grasp, she needed to know if her brother was alright.

The teachers had been trying to calm down all the students but they themselves were anxious beyond understanding, especially with all the noise from the inside of the building.

Suddenly a huge bam could be heard, making everyone go quiet.

Tanjiro came flying through the door, getting pushed by the demon.

Tanjiro quickly took his sword, stabbing the demon off of him.

Tanjiro landed on his feet, away from the demon. He was obviously roughed up.

Tanjiro started a form when he coughed up some blood. Earning some panicked screams from the other kids.

"Tanjiro!" Nezuko called out from the front of the crowd. She tried to pull out of Genya's grip but was pulled back by Sanemi.

The teachers were keeping the students away from the demon. The exits are blocked off by vines.

The demon laughed, confident it had won.

Tanjiro raised his head, veins popping from his forehead in anger.

"You piece of shit, this fight is between me and you, these other humans have nothing to do with this, you despicable creature." Tanjiro cursed as his breath left mini flames from the corner of his mouth.

"Hinokami Kagura, Solar Heat Haze" Tanjiro leaps towards the demon, attacking with flowing attacks, it almost didn't look like it even hit the demon.

The demon's limbs fell off, crumbling with the fire. The demon just laughed until it noticed something.

It's limbs were not regenerating, it couldn't grow back.

The demon's eyes widened, it felt a sudden fear with the breathing techniques.

The students were frozen, they've never seen this attack before, it felt different from Tanjiro's water breathing.

It felt hotter and more aggressive. You could feel the fire from the attacks and some could even see the flames.

The demon started making some sort of noise instead of laughing, Tanjiro couldn't identify it though.

"Shut your mouth," Tanjiro demanded as he readied himself for another attack.

"Burning bones, Summer sun" Tanjiro gave a circular swing, cutting off the demon's head. The demon collapses and crumbles away.

He looked back, making eye contact with Nezuko.

"Nezuko" he breathed as he fell to the ground.

"Tanjiro!" she called out as she ran towards her fallen brother.

"Is he alright?" Genya asked anxiously while running after her.

"Im- fine, sun breathing just takes... a lot out of me." Tanjiro mumbles.

Kanae had made it to the fallen boy first, picking up his head and placing it on her lap.

"Ey ey ey, you can't pass out on us! What if another demon attacks?" Sanemi asked while shaking the boy.

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