A different beginning

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*This will take place after the movie*
~there will be characters from the manga who make an appearance and events mentioned from the manga.~

Since the train mission, where they had an encounter with upper moon 3, Tanjiro seemed distant. He would stay in bed or train, not really talking to anyone, some nights Zenitsu would wake up to Tanjiro crying, the flame Hashira's death seemed to have hit him the hardest.

slight time skip

*3rd Pov*

It had been some time and the main three had been training and going on missions, even Zenitsu was going on missions alone without too much complaining, although he did once ask for a lock of Nezuko's hair in return. Tanjiro seemed to come around, this was a wave of relief for Inosuke and Zenitsu, they honestly missed Tanjiro's warm smile.

Zenitsu walked down the hall of the butterfly estate, he had some rice balls and wanted to share with Tanjiro, he slid open the door, expecting to be greeted by a kind boy but all he found was an empty bed.

Zenitsu knew the burgundy haired boy didn't have a mission at the moment and Tanjiro was supposed to be resting. The blonde male looked around, growing more worried, he eventually walked across Aoi, folding the laundry. Zenitsu threw himself in her direction while starting to cry:

"Tanjiro is gone! i can't find him anywhere, he's dead he must be!" he cried as he hung onto Aoi, she pulled him off, causing the crying boy to fall to the ground.

"Stop crying, would'ya? he's not dead, he's probably doing his own thing. He's got more in his life than you and that boars head!" she lectures.

She puts the remaining laundry in a basket and walks inside the estate, leaving Zenitsu still on the ground. Zenitsu knows he sounds like a crybaby right now, he just wanted to see Tanjiro, he honestly didn't know what he would do if Tanjiro would leave him, he knew Inosuke felt the same way, as little as he showed it.

He hopes that Tanjiro will be back soon, he had a mission he had to attend to himself. He gulped and went back inside to grab his sword, Shinobu will lecture him if he procrastinates on his mission again.

Tanjiro pov

I was walking back from the Rengoku resident, it was definitely not what I had expected, Rengoku was such a nice swordsman, I would have never thought his father to be such a cruel man, insulting his dead son then hitting the other.

I didn't learn much from the first flame user's journal, although I did learn that the Hinokami Kagura is in fact Sun breathing. The first breath ever created, I wonder what the creator was like, he must have been quite powerful.

I look down at Rengoku's handguard that Senjuro had given me. If the breath of sun is the most powerful breath, why couldn't I help? Why couldn't I save him? I felt tears threatening to fall but i manage to regain my thoughts,

"I am going to fight in the name of Rengoku, I promise to do this for him, for Senjuro and for all the people who are suffering from the demons" I say out loud while clutching the handguard tightly and bringing it up to my chest.

I had made it back to the butterfly estate, I didn't tell anyone that i was leaving, they might be worried. I was walking in the garden when I smelled something familiar yet I didn't completely recognise it, it smelled like a Hashira but not exactly.

I hurry over to where the smell originated, as I turn the corner It was almost as if I was ready for battle but... there was no one there. There was definitely something happening before I got here, I could smell Kanao, Naho, Kiyu, Sumi, Aoi and a Hashira but I really couldn't identify which one, i knew it wasn't the insect Hashira, she smells like wisteria petals, nor did I smell Tomioka, he smells like soothing essential oils and weirdly enough like depression.

I looked around until Naho came running into my arms crying, I panicked slightly trying to calm her down, she was repeating something but I couldn't really tell what.

3rd Pov

Naho kept crying in Tanjiro's arms, soon Sumi, Kiyu and Aoi stepped into view, curious to who Naho was crying to. They see a concerned Tanjiro comforting the girl, yet quite confused as to why she was so worked up.

"It was terrible Tanjiro-san! He wouldn't let me go! I didn't want to fight a demon, I don't wanna!" she managed to get out, worrying Tanjiro even further.

Aoi signed and placed her hand on Naho's shoulder, signaling to let go, Naho listened and went to Sumi and Kiyu, giving a hug to the braided girl. Aoi watched as Tanjiro stood there confused with what was even happening:

"The sound pillar, Uzui Tengen, came here not too long ago, he took me and Naho in his grip. He was trying to bring us along on his mission, something about the red light district" she shrugged yet Tanjiro could smell that she was still uncomfortable from the situation herself.

"Kanao grabbed on to the pillar long enough for Miss Kocho to find us and she scolded him for taking us without permission" Tanjiro felt a mix of anger and relief, he was happy that the girls were okay yet wasn't pleased by the sound pillar's actions.

Suddenly a head peeps from around the corner, there stood Kanao, shy and antisocial as always but she seemed to really want to talk to Tanjiro. The burgundy haired boy smiled brightly while calling Kanao over, earning a blush from the girl.

She walked over, head down and avoiding eye contact from the male. Tanjiro gave a slight chuckle and a bright smile:

"I'm proud of you for coming out of your shell and standing up to the sound hashira, I bet Aoi and Naho are quite thankful" he complimented while putting a hand on Kanao's head.

At this point, the older girl was blushing hard, she wasn't responding to anything, Tanjiro was about to ask her if she was alright when he was interrupted by a crow flying on his shoulder.

"Caw! demon situated in the transferal forest! Demon in transferal forest!" it yelled into Tanjiro's ear, making him tense at the obnoxious bird.

"You must attend this mission with the demon slayer Inosuke Hashibira! Caw Caw!" The bird quickly flew away to who knows where, Tanjiro gave a smile

"Talk later?" he asked the quiet girl, earning a nod from Kanao. He walked back into the butterfly estate to find Nezuko and gather some supplies.

Nezuko was sound asleep so he silently placed her in the box, grabbed his sword and went looking for Inosuke. It luckily didn't take long, he found the boar head running around in circles in the estate garden. Inosuke stopped in his tracks and turned his attention to the other boy.

"Konjuro! Where have you been, let's go kill some demons!" he shouted, pulling on Tanjiro haori. The burgundy haired boy just sighed and started walking in direction of their destination, not losing his warm smile towards his aggressive friend.

They ran most of the day to the forest where the demon roamed, Inosuke constantly trying to compete with his partner.

This is my first story, be nice please
Im a quick updater so more stories and parts will come quickly

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