Fix You

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Dear Diary,

Today is going to be different. It has to be. I'm not going to be the girl everyone feels sorry for. Well let's face it, I haven't been that girl at all. At least I tried not to be. I kept myself busy all summer, doing everything I could to help others just for my own selfish desire to not think about what happened that night. So I wouldn't have to think of the sobbing, screams, the feeling I had when I found out both my mom and dad were dead, the feeling I had when I thought Elena was dead too.

Jenna says I'm like her. She did the same thing keeping herself busy with all different things from work to helping out in the community like me, but she ultimately ended up thinking about what happened all summer while I managed to keep it out of mind. For a while at least. I had to keep in mind I wasn't the only one who lost them, Elena and Jeremy did too. And I tried my best to be there for them, Elena let me in while Jeremy....blocked me out more and more with each passing day. I hope he goes back to being my fun big brother because even though I didn't show it much.....I need him. Both him and Elena.

I need a change. A new beginning. And it's going to start today. I hope.

-Samantha Gilbert

I sighed and shut my diary, sticking it under the cushion of my window seat. I stood up and walked over to my large vanity mirror, tucking a lock of my long brown hair behind my ear. I didn't see much of my mother in me, which....could be a good thing. I didn't have to think about her each time I looked in a mirror. I was pale in comparison to her and Elena too and I was also short. It seemed like the Gilbert gene of being tall wasn't something I got, but Elena and Jeremy got. They were over the average height, while I was a good two inches under the average height for girls my age- putting me at 5 feet 2 inches.

"Elena! Jeremy! Sam! Come down for breakfast!" Jenna called up the stairs. I took a deep breath.

"You're going to have a good day," I said convincingly to myself. "Everything....will be just fine."

I hopped down the stairs and strolled into the kitchen, seeing Jenna walk around to get her things together. I went to the coffee pot and poured myself a cup of coffee.

"Morning Aunt Jenna," I said to her.

"Morning," she returned. "Have you seen my watch?"

"You mean like the one on your wrist?"

"Yeah like-" she cut herself off when she looked at it. She laughed sheepishly. "I knew it was there."

I smiled as Jeremy walked through to the table, taking my cup in the process, and began stuffing things into his backpack.

"Hey," I complained after he took my coffee.

"It'll stunt your growth," he said taking a sip. "You're short enough as it is."

"Gee thanks," I said sarcastically as Elena came in the room. I poured another cup of coffee for me.

"Morning," she said taking the cup from me. I made a face.

"Coffee thieves," I muttered. Jenna smiled at me before going back to what she was doing and letting out an exasperated sigh.

"It's your first day of school and I am totally and completely unprepared," she said scolding herself. She began digging through her purse, pulling out some money. "Need lunch money?"

"I'm fine," Elena told her.

"Me too," I said while Jeremy just took the money from her.

"Okay guys, anything else? Pencil? Paper? What am I forgetting?"

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