Plan and dressed up!

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Just then Shree's cell rang.

Shree- "Sir, it's College principal on call."

Arjun- "put it on speaker Shree"

Shree- "Yes Sir!"

Principal- "Hello ETF?"

Shree- "Yes"

Principal- "I think they found about you, officers please be alert."

Shree- "Okay thank you Sir."

Liza- "It's a big problem, what we'll do now?"

Rathore- "Now we have to do everything tomorrow itself."

Arjun- "Exactly! Shree go and call Riya."

Shree- "Yes Sir"

Shree calls Riya and after 2mins she came and sat her at her place.

Rathore- "Riya, You alright?

Riya- "Yes Sir."

Rathore- "Good. So what's now."

Arjun- "One of us has to become their victim."

Rathore- "What are nuts Rawte? those drugs are highly reactive."

Liza- "Yes Sir, Rathore Sir is right. That drug work on body very fastly, within 15mins a person can be uncouncious and if taken in high amount-"

Arjun-  interrupting "I know all this Liza"

Rathore- "Rawte this is very risky, i'll not-"

Arjun- interrupting "If Riya wants to come then she can else i'll handle alone 'Sir'. "

By saying this h moves out in his as always 'Rawte Style'

Rathore- "Damn it! His attitude."

Next Morning

ETF, Conference Hall 

Everyone  was present. Arjun enters and sits on his place.

Arjun- "So Riya, what have you decided."

Riya- "Sir, i'm coming with you."

Arjun- "With your chief's permission?"

Riya- Looks towards Rathore "Yes Sir"

Arjun- "Good! liza?"

Liza- "Yes sir here." passes him a bottle of pills.

Chotu- "What are these?"

Liza- "These are anti-nodes, These slows the reaction of Drugs. But Sir, make sure exactly after 1 hour of drug consumption you must take injection."

Riya- "What? Injection?" her face paled.

Chotu- in a low voice "Oyee but you're afr-"

Arjun- shouting "Chotu! What are you doing?"

Chotu- "Sorry Sir."

Rathore- "Riya, Rawte, be extra careful."

Riya nods. 

Suddenly her phone beeps flashing a message after a second Arjun's beeps too. They both looked at each other and then reads the message. Then Arjun says

Arjun- "Today's class is suspended. There's a party in the eve and tomorrow will be the last day."

Rathore- "Damn it, This chance also failed.

Arjun- "No Rathore we  got a more better plan."

Rathore- "What do you mean Rawte?"

Arjun- "We'll collect evidence against Baksi in party itself and we won't have to be there victim. Samjhe ya....Samjhau! "

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