That was one year ago. Since then, Scott stopped thinking that Isaac was a bad person, but he still didn't let you hang out with him. Everything was awkward between you and Isaac. You felt as he was avoiding you for some reason. Eventually, you ignored all of them. Scott, Stiles, and Isaac. You became sad. You kept thinking that you were stupid, that someone as amazing as Isaac could never have been your friend, that he was just using you.

One day, you were just sitting in your room, studying. You were tired. You've been up for days, studying. It was hard for you to concentrate, and you could barely understand the material. You were slowly falling asleep, but you tried doing everything that could keep you up. There was no coffee left, so you had to go out to the store to get a new one. Still tired, you grabbed your jacket, keys, and wallet, as you headed downstairs. You didn't know that everyone was sitting in the living room, discussing something. They all stopped talking the minute you came down, as they all stared at you. Isaac was the only one you were looking at. You weren't paying attention to everyone else.

You looked so different. There were black sacks under your eyes, your hair was barely brushed, and you looked overall, exhausted.

"Just ignore me. I'm just going to get some coffee." you said as you headed towards the door.

"What's up? You look like hell." Scott said to you.

"Gee, thanks for making me feel all better Scott."you said sarcastically.

"(Y/N)-"Scott sighed, about to continue, but you cut him off.

"Just whatever. I'll be back soon." you said as you were about to head out.

"Just be careful tonight." you heard him say. You had no idea why.

"Whatever." you said as you rolled your eyes and closed the house door behind you as you left.

As soon as you got your coffee, you walked back to your car. You accidentally dropped your keys, and you couldn't find them.

Great, you thought.

"Looking for these?" you heard a voice say from behind you.

You quickly got up, to see a man holding your keys up in the air.

"Yeah thanks.", you said as you tried to reach for your keys.

He moved his hand away.

"(Y/N), right?", he asked me.

Who the hell is he, you thought.

"Yes, who are you?"you asked him.

"Right, sorry. My name's Aiden. I know your brother, Scott." he said as he smiled at you.

"Oh, well that's good to know. Anyways, I really have to go." you said as you tried to reach for your keys again, but he stopped you.

"Why are you in such a rush?" he asked you.

"Look Aiden, I get you wanna talk or whatever, but I really need to go. Like, now." you said.

"Maybe we should hang out sometime." he said to you as he gave you a disturbing smile.

"Yeah, maybe some other time. I have to go. Can you please give me my keys?", you asked. He was giving you a creepy vibe, and you wanted to leave.

"Right." he said as he slowly gave you the keys, only for them to fall out of his hands. You sighed.

"Sorry. I'm just clumsy." he said.

"It's okay, it happens to everyone." you said as you bent down to pick up your keys.

Isaac Lahey One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now