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"Kendall!" I shouted from the bathroom after just brushing my teeth.

"What?" She yelled back.

"Call Avery and Zoe and tell them to come over." I said and walked down the hallways towards the kitchen.

"Why?" She asked in confusion.

"We need to go on an adventure today and it's important." I said and went to grab some water from the fridge.

"Are you gonna tell us what it is?" She asked and started texting them.

"No you'll find out on your own." I said and went on the couch while I waited for them to get here.

"Whats this adventure we're going on?" Avery asked excitedly as her and Zoe walked through the door.

"You'll find out soon. Let's go." I said and grabbed my keys and led them out of the apartment building.

  On the way there they kept asking me questions that I either wouldn't answer or would give extremely vague answers to. Once we pulled up to a RiteAid they gave me confused and disappointed looks.

"RiteAid? Really? I don't know what adventures you've been on but this is not my kind of adventure." Avery said with attitude as we all got out of the car.

"This is important okay. Plus calling everything an adventure makes it exciting." I said and walked around to try and find where I needed to go. I didn't even know where to find it honestly.

"Yeah and then when it's not exciting we're left disappointed." She said and rolled her eyes.

"Where are we going? Do you even know what you're getting here?" Kendall asked and they followed me around.

"I just don't know where it is- oh here." I said and went down the aisle once I saw it.

"A pregnancy test?" They all asked in unison and held shocked expressions on their faces.

"Are you pregnant Brenna?" Zoe asked with wide eyes.

"Guess we're gonna have to find out." I said with a nervous sigh and looked between all the choices.

"Which one are you gonna get?" Avery asked and gave me what looked like a nervous look and looked back at the shelf.

"I don't know. All of the cute vlog families get this one but it's kind of expensive." I said and held my hand to my cheek as I looked over all of them.

"We'll each buy one that looks like it'll be good. Then you'll have four to rely on instead of one." Kendall said and picked up one while we all did the same but got a different one.

  Getting four different kinds was kind of excessive. Especially since they all had more than one in there so I'd probably end up with like 20 extras. At least if one of them had a scare I'll have some for them.

  The lady at the register was clearly judging as we each bought a box of different tests to take. I didn't really care, she was just probably jealous because she was too old to have kids by now.

  We quickly headed out of the store and headed back to the apartment as quickly as we could so I could take it.

"Alright no one tell the boys anything yet." I said as we walked out of the elevator.

"Why can't we know?" Michael asked sadly which made me jump since I didn't see them. They must ice just been walking down the stairs to come to my place.

"Nothing." I said and swiftly hid the bag behind me.

"What is that?" Ashton asked and pointed to me.

"Nothing." We all said and sent them a fake smile.

"Why are you acting so weird?" Luke asked while they all held confused looks on their faces.

"Why are you asking so many questions?" Zoe asked.

"Whats in the bag? Condoms or something?" Ashton asked which made them laugh for whatever reason.

"No." I said and rolled my eyes as we tried to get to the door without them seeing.

"A pregnancy test!" Michael yelled and took the bag from my hands.

"What!" Ashton and Luke yelled and looked in the bag with Michael.

"Why do you have so many? Are you all pregnant or something?" Luke asked with wide eyes and darted his eyes towards Zoe. They've been together for a little while but they keep it super lowkey and never tell us anything.

"Please say no." Michael said and looked at Kendall with fear in his eyes.

"Well I shouldn't be but I guess we have enough just to see." Kendal said and shrugged her shoulders which nearly made his eyes pop out of his head.

"They're mine jesus no need to freak out. I'm already doing that enough." I said and yanked the bag from their hands and headed inside.

"Theyre yours? But Calum's been gone for a month and a half." Luke said which made us all face palm.

"It takes a month for symptoms to show or whatever you want to call it I don't know." I said and went to the bathroom so I could pee on the stupid sticks.

"How many did you take?" Zoe asked from her spot on the couch where everyone else was.

"What do they say?" Ashton asked eagerly. 

"Four, and I won't know for a couple
more minutes." I said and held the sticks in my hand and sat on the couch next to them all. We all crowded in one area and just stared at the sticks waiting for the results to come up.

"You're pregnant!" They all shouted which kind of scared me a bit, not even just them screaming scared me.

"I'm pregnant." I whispered and held my hand over my mouth as I looked at the four tests in my hand.

"This is great Bren. You're gonna be a great mom." Avery said excitedly and gave me a tight hug.

"Yeah you've been waiting forever for this. Being a mom is your dream." Michael said and shook my shoulders.

"Yeah but I'm still young, and Calum's gonna be in prison for 11 more months." I said worriedly and put the tests on the coffee table.

"It could be longer." He said and shrugged his shoulders.

"Who cares if you're young. You've always wanted to be a mum and you'll be a great one." Ashton said and kissed my forehead as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"But Noah. I only make enough money for the two of us. And I don't have the space either and I don't want to move out and leave you guys." I said sadly and looked at them all.

"Calum has said he has money, and it's his baby too I'm sure he'd spend as much as he needs to on any of you three. He loves you." Zoe said with a small smile.

"We'll figure something out so we can all fit in here. No ones moving out of this apartment building anytime soon. This is our place." Kendall said and hugged me.

"What if he doesn't want it?" I asked worriedly.

"He will, he loves you and he's proven that now. You see him in a couple days, tell him when you see him." Luke said and nudged my shoulder. It meant a lot hearing Luke say that to me, considering that he hated Calum the most. So maybe, maybe it would all work out.

"I guess I'll have to." I sighed and sunk into the couch.

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