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"W-who's they? And what's so bad that you aren't supposed to be telling me?" I asked nervously.

"We can't talk about this anymore until we get there. Are we doing this?" He asked and waited for me to answer him.

"But Noah- I can't ditch him, he's young and he's already dealt with way too much I can't ditch him." I said and watched him slouch his shoulders.

"We can leave tomorrow after your class is done, then we go and I'll have you home by Saturday evening." He said after a moment of thinking. This whole thing was terrifying to me. Something about the way he was talking and what he was talking about was freaking me out.

"You promise? Because I cannot break a single promise to that boy, and I promised him I'd spend my weekends with him every single weekend." I said sternly and gave him a look that said I was serious.

"I promise Brenna." He said seriously.

"Where are we going?" I asked softly.

"I can't tell you, but I promise that you'll be safe." He said reassuringly.

"Okay then we'll go." I said and he let out what seemed to be a sigh of relief before he put his hands on my cheeks and pulled me in for another kiss.

"I need to break up with Cole first." I said once we pulled away and he leaned his forehead against mine.

"Well it's a little late, and you still have to mop." He said with a teasing look and looked around the place.

"Well maybe if you hadn't come here and pulled what you pulled." I said and pulled away from him so I could finish mopping and go home.

"I couldn't wait anymore. I've been waiting to do that for far too long." He said and sat up on the counter so he wouldn't get in my way.

"What was the deal with that red head by the way?" I asked as I effortlessly mopped.

"I can't tell you yet." He said and watched everything that I was doing.

"Seriously?" I asked and he just nodded his head.

"Why not?" I asked and out a hand on my hip.

"Because then that'll lead to something else and I can't tell you." He said and gave me a look that said 'stop asking questions' so I did even though it was killing me.

"I don't know much about you either you know." He said matter of factly after a couple of minutes.

"What do you want to know?" I asked and continued mopping.

"I don't know... how old are you?" He asked dramatically which made me laugh.

"22." I said and tried to stop smiling at him.

"Oh me too!" He said excitedly and hopped off the counter which made him slip since I just mopped there.

"You're such an idiot." I laughed and held him stand up straight.

"I forgot you were mopping." He said and sat back on the counter. I just scoffed out a laugh and shook my head at him.

"How come you spend your weekends with your brother? Do your parents not let him see you or something?" He asked after a while of silence. By now I had finished mopping and emptied the bucket in the kitchen sink.

"It's kind of a long story." I sighed and grabbed my stuff so I could go home.

"Tell me when you're ready then." He said casually and shrugged his shoulders. I wish I was like him and didn't let my curiosity take over me. If I wanted to know something, I wouldn't stop asking until I got an answer cause it would kill me not knowing.

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