Chapter 25: A Family Christmas Part 3

Start from the beginning

"Then I guess we will do the same here," Minerva sighed. "Shrink their belongings and pack them away. We will place them in their dungeon quarters and reward the portraits."

"All of it?"

"Yes, all of it," Minerva said, running her fingertips along the opened jewelry case. "Except for this. I believe it should be returned to someone who Katherine deemed important to her."


Thursday, December 24th, 1998 (Wiltshire, England):

"Bobbin!" a cold, clear voice rung through the sitting room of Malfoy Manor. A small pop announced the presence of the house elf, whose large tennis ball size eyes stared up at his mistress.

"Yes, Good Mistress Narcissa," Bobbin said, bowing slightly to the witch before him. "What can Bobbin do for good mistress."

"Take this list and make sure that it is completed before six tonight," Narcissa Malfoy said, as she stood near the large fireplace, going over the long, handwritten list in her grasp. Carefully the house elf took the list from her, and disappeared with another pop.

The witch was just as beautiful as she always had been, but the last six months had been anything but kind to her. She had lost a lot. Friends. And family. Both her and Draco had been placed on house arrest for a short time after the war, that the Minister had lifted a week before the start of the new school year. But her husband Lucius, hadn't faired so well.

With the Dark Mark still branded on his left forearm, Lucius was taken into custody soon after the battle. As Narcissa, Madam Pomfrey and Headmistress McGonagall returned from the Shrieking Shack that day, the Aurors arrested Lucius and placed him, along with several other surviving Death Eaters, into holding cells at the Ministry.

He had been allowed to attend Severus and Katherine's funeral, but the Aurors escorting him to and from the service. And finally on Tuesday, June 30th, Lucius was brought before the Wizengamot. But even with statements given by Harry Potter, himself, Lucius still found himself headed to Azkaban. Luckily only for two years; which was a lot shorter sentence than most.

So Narcissa had lost her husband for two years; at least he would come back. But she had also lost a sister; a brother-in-law, that she had never really known; and a niece, that she had never met. And of course...

"Mother?" Draco asked, startling Narcissa from her thoughts as she gazed intently out one of the large manor windows.

"Yes, darling," she said, her eyes never leaving the path that lead up to the house.

"Why is Bobbin setting the table for five?" Draco questioned.

"Well, two for us of course," Narcissa explained. "And then Andromeda has said that she will join us, and will be bring little Teddy with her. And of course Katherine and Severus will be joining us as always."

"Mother..." Draco started; his eyes creasing with worry and concern for his mother's frame of mind. This hadn't been the first time that this had happened. His mother had been in denial ever since their funeral; often she would send letters to Hogwarts or Spinner's End thinking that they would respond, or sometimes she would even see them walking the grounds towards the house. But once again when she would realize that they were not there, Narcissa would break down. "The professor are..."

"Coming early," Narcissa said, her gazes still on the drive. "I told them to come early so that Katherine and Severus could get settled into their room before dinner."

"No, mother," Draco sighed, placing a hand on his mother's shoulder. "The professors are..."

"Oh, there they are," Narcissa said smiling. "Coming up the drive. Oh, and it looks like the Headmistress is with them. Come Draco, lets tell Bobbin to set one more place and then greet them at the door."

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