The Woods: Jeff the Killer x Reader

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(A/n: Old story. Will be edited. Currently uses she/her pronouns)

I started up at my f/c ceiling, attempting to rest my eyes for the night only to no avail. My eyes burned as I kept my sights on the same spot on the ceiling. Occasionally my eyes would dart to the window, and the trees outside but I always ended up forcing myself to stare back at the same chip in my roof. The forest had always intrigued me since I was a young child. It was only in recent years that it scared me, with the spring up of murders around my town and the young boy who killed his family.

That was four years ago. I was older now, I shouldn't be scared. but something about him being my age and going to my old middle school terrified me. The fact it could've been me. I never knew the kid, but I heard stories. He was a strange one. 

No one knew who had caused the new killings but in the back of my mind, something told me he was still out there, killing. I had seen the crime scene on my way home from a friend's house one night. Something that scarred me for the rest of my life was seeing his brother through the window. Him squirming with a cavity in his gut, wide open. I couldn't erase that moment from my memory. The fact he was still alive. That the kid had just left his brother like that. To die. 

Everyone told me it was just an insane child acting out but something told me it was more. If he was insane he would've ended up in an institute like I did when I was suicidal. Well, I still was, but that wasn't important. I didn't act on it anymore.

As I was thinking my thoughts began to turn blank. I was finally drifting off to sleep. My dreams consisted of small images here and there of what I thought the killer looked like and images of his brother.


I jolted awake.


I took a moment to open my eyes and recognize the noise I was hearing. It was my window opening and something being forcefully pushed against it. It was too loud to be the screen falling out again and too light to be a tree from outside, plus I was on the second story, that'd have to be a big ass tree.

After a moment of confusion and slight fear, I flipped over. I was greeted by the most horrifying face. Slits for a smile, burned off eyelids, and charcoal black hair.

I froze in fear. I stared in confusion and terror. His upper lip curled, mimicking what I assumed to be a real smile.

After a few seconds of staring. I lurched back, whispering, afraid he'd kill me if I spoke any louder.

"What are you...?"

His upper lip curled further, ignoring my question.

"Aren't you beautiful..." He spoke like a lunatic but I couldn't help but blush at the remark.

I spoke up slightly "Who are you." There was more confidence this time, like a statement, not a question.


That one name was enough to confirm my fears. It was Jeff the Killer.

He was nothing like what I thought he looked like. So much scarier. I had never read far enough into the new reports to know his description. They made me too sick. I took a moment to scan him up and down. I needed to know what my killer looked like at least. The more I stared the less terrifying he became. He became almost... attractive? He had a strong jaw and was in good shape. His legs were strong like he ran everywhere and had a broad upper body.

He broke the silence by grabbing me by my throat and lifting me off of the ground with one hand, the other wielding a shiny object that I soon realized to be a knife. I choked out indescribable noises that I didn't even know I could make as he kept me suspended against the wall. I hadn't realized how tall he was, leaving me well above my bed as he was at chest level to me. I squirmed and began to cry as he admired me. 

"I couldn't possibly make you more beautiful. Except for that smile of yours. Show it to me." His last words were demanding and harsh as he dropped me back to the floor. Letting me breathe air once for and my feet touch the ground.


I jumped, nearly screamed, but bit my tongue and smiled my biggest smile. Like this was the last picture day of my senior year.

His lip curled again as he took a step toward me. He got down to face level with me and stroked my cheek. 


He inched closer to me and I smelled a scent of blood and pines. Two smells I had never really minded, enjoying the woods and metallic smells. He hovered in front of my lips and whispered to me .

"Now, make a good choice darling."

I nodded only to suddenly be cut off by a kiss and a cold metal being held up to my throat. I kissed back, not missing a beat.

Kissing an attractive man before I die? Why the hell not.

He pulled back, lip curling into that smile again.

"Good girl"

I felt blood rush through my body as I heard that phrase.

"You're coming with me" He smirked.

I felt a blunt pain on the left of my head and everything went black...

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