|| 10 - Festival Madness ||

Start from the beginning

Kids who were looking through their windows were jealous at them who were just sitting in a wagon, getting dragged by a fancy car. Shawn thought it was a good idea to take a pic, not even a second later, almost dropping their phone which luckily, Izuku caught.

When Hisashi arrived at their house, he looked at the wagon and saw 8 sleeping teens, he stared at them with an amused face. Raising his hand, the butler nodded and placed them all in Izuku's room where they continued to sleep peacefully.


The next was greeted with a loud-


The school announcer screamed, Izuku couldn't help but smiled, the loud red head staff member reminded him of his past English teacher, with a more violent touch-

The school erupted in cheers, multiple students, teachers, parents and outsiders were excited for the tournament. Brunheart Academy's school mascot was a Phoenix, the powerful symbol of incinerating all in it's way.


The crowd were cheering, you didn't even need to pay attention to hear Hisashi's voice "WOO KICK ASS SON" Inko felt embarrassed but at the same time, happy at her husband's antics.


Dylan was the nice, prince-like character in the school, he was class A's reliable president. Izuku felt a brotherly-connection considering both of them had green broccoli like hair. 

By the few months it's been, Izuku knew his classmates' quirks, Dylan's quirk was enhancement. Using his quirk he can enhance his senses, strength or his skills. It was a basic but relatively strong quirk depending on how he uses it. He can only enhance two parts of himself at the same time before stopping to switch or to rest.

"3... 2... 1!!"

The battle commenced..

Dylan smiled nicely, Izuku returned the smile. 

The whole crowd went quiet as if trying to understand why the two teens were giving closed eyed smiles instead of fighting.

As soon as a spectator was about to speak, Dylan immediately rushed forward, his quirk was already in effect speeding himself towards Izuku.

Izuku was quirkless and he already informed the school about his machines which is why.. the moment Dylan was about to punch Izuku, the green haired protagonist tapped his heel, a bright green barrier showing up and repelling Dylan's punch.

Dylan flew back but landed on the ground with his quirk, enhancing his gravitational force to stop him from flying out of the platform.

He looked at Izuku, the barrier was from Izuku's shoes. The shoes were functioned to create a barrier that can defend against physical attacks when he tapped his feet. Izuku raised his hand, in a flash a large metal dog had jumped down from the sky.

Dylan knew what that dog was, it was Ori, Izuku would often ask for Ori's help when the class was doing major delivery/movement procedures and despite being made out of metal, was realy fluffy-

"Izuku- you wouldn't..." 

Dylan said, eyeing his fellow broccoli boy who replied with a smirk.

With a swift movement of the wrist, Ori rushed at Dylan at full speed, sparks of lightning could be seen from Ori's mouth.

Dylan paled, immediately enhancing his body's ability to withstand pain and his speed, ducking down he ran ahead and tried to jump over Ori who in turn, changed their path of running and jumped up, his mouth latching onto Dylan's leg.

Izuku couldn't help but let out a sadistic smirk, Ori was only one of his creations and Dylan knew that. He also knew that Izuku wouldn't let him lose until he went all out- that was the type of person Izuku Midoriya was. A sadistic bastard who liked pushing people to their limits to grow.

Dylan winced, even with his pain resistance elevated, he still felt the bite that had an aftertaste of electricity.

Ori opened it's mouth, Dylan successfully landing without tumbling and enhanced his body's natural healing, even by a bit. Enhancing his blood cells wasn't his strongest point so it was going to take more than a few seconds, while doing that he enhanced his strength and punched Ori.

The crowd were invested in the fight, Dylan who was quite strong, almost limping because of one metallic bite? it interested the crowd.

Izuku clapped his hands "Come on Dylan! stop having fun and fight, we're the first fight of the day. Gotta make an impression!" he said, smiling as he knew Dylan had barely started.

Dylan nodded, speeding up his healing and switching his focus on enhancing his skin's durability and his agility. Running faster than before, he managed to get to Izuku's barrier once again, landing a hit and making a slight dent on the bright green dome.

Ori turned around and ran towards Dylan, who in turn, did a back flip and switched his enhancement on skin durability to strength, landing a powerful hit on Ori. The metal dog now falling and his back was pierced through that you could see the wiring, bearings and the other components.

Izuku let a small frown grace his lips 'Ori's my pup' he thought sadly before speaking "Project Number 93, assist me" he said, a new robot appearing. It was a human-like figure who held a rapier.

Although Izuku liked fighting, he wanted to test out his new creations and the improvements on the pre-existing ones.

Dylan sweat dropped "Can't I catch a break?" he joked at Izuku who shrugged.

The rapier wielding robot took a stance before lunging at Dylan. The class president took a stand before enhancing all his current focus on his strength alone and rushing in to break the robot.

Izuku kept this in mind "Focus on strength and your defense" he said, before whistling, a silent order he made for his robot to finish the battle.

The rapier grazed Dylan's arm, switching it's handle from the rapier to grabbing Dylan's torso and twisting it's waist to throw Dylan out of bounds.

Dylan flew out, his back colliding with the wall "owww.. Izuuu you can't be so mean and give me pointers" he pouted, getting up from the ground to see the spot he was thrown at had a huge dent.

The crowd cheered "FIRST BATTLE'S WINNER!! IZUKU MIDORIYA AND HIS SUPPORT MACHINES!!" Announcer Moby screamed in the microphone.

Hours went on, multiple fights took place, all of Izuku's fights were won with him moving his spot. A lot of students respected him for his ability to create such machines but a student from another school stood up and screamed....



The once loud and bustling arena went silent, Izuku's friends, parents and classmates were about to refute the student when Izuku grabbed a megaphone since he wouldn't be heard from all the way down there and said.

"Then come here and fight me."

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