Ember hisses at the man. "Crogan! Stop patronizing our guests we need them for leverage," Yohan said clearly having known they were there the entire time.

Crogan pushed them out and Snot-lout growls at him. "How did you know this dragon was here?" He asks. Yohan smirks confidently. "Well as you know a good chief knows their island well inside and out," Yohan said. "But your not the chief of this island," Kai asks confused. Yohan smirks widely. "But Aswald was and he knew this beast was here. He wrote it in his notes and it took me years to decipher them, but I finally found it," Yohan said when Crogan said. "We found it,". Yohan waves him off.

"How did you get Aswald's notes?" Snot-lout asks. Yohan answers with a evil psychopathic grin. "Why my dim boy, if Dagger didn't kill Aswald who do you think did?" Snot-lout's face paled in horror before turning into rage. "You monster! Aswald was the kindest and caring chief ever! How could you do that!" The raven haired Viking yelled at him full of rage. "It was quite easy and slow I can assure you. I fed his body to skuldrins he was still alive you know? I always enjoy remembering his dying painful screams as they ripped him apart piece by piece," Yohan grins sadistically than turns to Kai.

"And I planned to give your family a death much more slow and painful, but they have a annoying habit of not dying," Kai growls and tried stepping forward, but he injured side crumbled and Snot-lout had to hold him up. "Did you know I've killed the most chief's in the Viking history than anyone else? Well not entirely directly I'll admit, but I was the one who informed told Crogan's boss when the tribe meeting was to happen. Real sad how Stoic survived," Yohan laughs as Snot-lout barely held Kai back from hurting himself by attacking Yohan. "But I shall deal with him soon enough first," he snaps his fingers and a couple of skinny version of dragon hunters appeared and they were dragging.

"Lloyd!" Kai shouts and tried getting to his adopted brother.

Lloyd was looking kind of worse for wear. He had a bruise on his forehead, his gi was ripped at his right shoulder and left knee, and his hair needed a serious washing, but he looked otherwise fine. When Lloyd saw Kai his green eyes lit up. "Kai! Oh thank FSM your okay have you found the others yet?" Lloyd asks. "Yeah Nya's a prize in some tribal games, I made up with the guys too," Kai shrugs. "Awww I missed you torturing them? Come on Kai you couldn't wait until I got to watch them begging you?" Lloyd whines like a child. "Sorry green bean next time don't get kidnapped this is like your eighth time," Kai said to the green ninja. "Hey! I do not get kidnapped that much," Lloyd said. "Really? You got kidnapped by the serpentine at least three times, than got captured by the stone warriors, then Cryptor and the overlord kidnapped you two times, then Chen, and should I mention Morro?" Kai asks Lloyd who scoffs.

"Okay one, you also got kidnapped by Cryptor and tied under a rocket about to explode. Two, I only got caught by Chen because you decided to do a reckless "Kai moment" and got me captured on purpose!" Lloyd states. "Yeah, but you still got captured so it still counts," Kai states. "Does not!" "Does too!" "Does not!" Does too!" "Quiet!" Crogan snaps at them both. "Dude we were kind of catching up mind giving us a moment?" Kai asks gesturing to himself and Lloyd.

"Man people are so rude here," The green ninja comments. "Not everyone by the way this is Snot-lout he's cool," Kai points to Snot-lout who gave a awkward wave. "Okay cool, but seriously what's his name?" Lloyd asks thinking Snot-lout was a mean nickname Kai had given the Viking.

"Why isn't he gagged like the rest of the time he has been since we stole him from Viggo?" Yohan asks annoyed. "I wanted a excuse to cut his tongue out," Crogan smirks sadistically. Yohan rolls his eyes at his partner and turned to Lloyd. "If you don't tell them dragon to do what I want then your friend and his friend are dead," Yohan said.

Lloyd looks from Kai to Crogan before he shrugged the guards off him and walked up to the king of dragons. "What's he doing?" Snot-lout whispers. "Dragons kind of speak to Lloyd sometimes it's a whole thing. In legend his great grandma was the creator of dragons," Kai whispers. "Do you believe that?" Snot-lout asks. "Not really, but we like calling him dragon baby sometimes to tease him about it," Kai snickers.

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