Thirty Three

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Vanya quietly sat at the breakfast table, which seemed the most normal today, making this dysfunctional family seem almost regular. Eshana was chattering away with her brothers, the four of the siblings having occupied one end of the table, with Mahira. Whereas, Vanya herself sat opposite Shailja on the other end, who seemed contended enough to see her kids happy. Thankfully, Danish Thakkar hadn't joined them today and maybe that was why everyone seemed so jovial.

"Eat something, love." Shailja had noticed her stabbing the omelette. "If you want something else, we can ask the kitchen to get it done."

"No, Ma. I just don't have an appetite today." Vanya replied honestly.
She had been busy thinking about what had transpired between her and Atirek last night and that kept causing her stomach to form knots.

"Are you feeling well?" This time, it was Mahira who showed concern.
Vanya gave her a soft smile. "Yeah, I think it's because of all that Chinese we ate last night."

Eshana, who was extremely happy since the morning, spoke up with a mischievous smile on her face. "Or maybe you didn't sleep too well last night."
Shailja exchanged amused glances between her daughter and Vanya, finally resting them softly on her eldest son, who had just now choked on his juice.

Vanya found herself turning tomato red, even if all the eyes were mostly trained on Atirek, except for Arjun's, who'd ignored the entire thing.
Raghav handed a tissue to his still coughing brother and looked sternly at his sister.
"Eshu, come on."

Eshana just shrugged and continued laughing at their expense, while Vanya trained her eyes to her plate out of embarrassment.

"Okay." Atirek finally spoke. "Enough about this nonsense. Are you all packed?"

Eshana sobered up instantly and nodded.
"When do we leave?"
"In an hour." Atirek replied. He got up from the table and started walking away. He stopped behind Vanya's chair and cleared his throat.
"I need to talk to you." He said.

Vanya drank some water and dabbed the corners of her mouth with a napkin, then got up to follow him.

Once inside his office, he asked her to sit down. She sat down, feeling suffocated by just being in his presence.

"You will be coming to Delhi with me and Eshana." He spoke up.
"No." Vanya replied a bit too quickly, making him raise his eyebrow at her.

"I don't want to."

"It doesn't work that way. I decide what happens." Atirek sighed. "Eshu is going to need help with the packing. She seems to like you."

"You can help her. I'm not going."

"Really?" asked Atirek. "I'm going to give you a chance to think this through. It'll be a change of scenery for you. My father will be back tonight, so if you stay here; you will be locked in your room like a prisoner at all times."

Vanya stared at him, thinking hard. Ofcourse she wanted to go out, but she also wanted to curl up in a ball and cry at her fate.

She begrudgingly nodded at him.

"I have some work in Delhi, so we'll be staying there for a week. And when we come back," he said; "And only if you behave yourself, mind you; then I will take you again to see your brother."

Vanya perked up at that. She nodded enthusiastically and got up. Atirek finally caught a glimpse of smile on her face. He felt himself smile after she left his office.

Veer appeared in the doorway almost immediately.
"You seem happy, boss." He commented. "I take it you didn't tell her that her brother has been brainwashed?"

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