"About time she came! Okay when she gets here Minato and Kushina are going to stay with the kazekage. We don't want her sensei to get a feel of your chakra. Obito, you are going to show them up. Rin, I'm sorry but you need to stay out of the way too. You could get emotional." Rin nodded. "Now mister frown, I want you to stay in the room. You're going to play AMBU!" She clapped her hands, giggling. Itachi smirked and nodded.

He was unfazed by the events. Razu had told him all about her and Kikyo's old life. Them being childhood friends. The ninja show that was Kikyo's favorite. How KIkyo had died. How Razu had died. Itachi was just as pissed about this Tom Duke popping up, but Kikyo would not benefit from him going on a rampage. He knew that Kikyp was trying to distract them from the mention of Tom, and she was succeeding.

"Well," Kikyo grinned an Uzumike grin, "When Naruto and her team gets here they're in for a surprise!" Her booming laugh echoed wall from wall.

(a few days later, team 7)

"So you're just here to speak with the leader of the New Akatsuki?" Gaara looked at team 7."

"You know it Dattebane!" Behind the kazekage were his two New Akatsuki body gourds. Kikyo was right. The two of them loved Gaara, treating him as a part of their family.

Gaara nodded, "try not to cause too much commotion . we've had enough of that this week."

"What happened?" Kakashi asked from behind his book, unknowing of the seething Uzumki women who were disappointed in him.

"Two of the traitors of the Akasuki came to kill me, but my body guards dealt with them."

Naruto looked at the two masked people, smiling at them. "Thanks for taking care of Gaara. My sister would have been heart broken if he died." the two nodded. They and the Kazekage didn't say that he did get kidnapped, and Kikyo had to go after him.only to be just too late. When she came back, Obito, who didn't like seeing Kikyo distressed, begged Lady Chiyo to do something. She had saved Gaara for the red headed girl who reminded her of her grandson. Her funeral was the next day.

Gaara smiled at the Uzumaki. "Go on and say hi to me. She has been too tired to visit lately." his monotone voice sounded with a hint of amusement.

"You got it Gaara!" They all started to walk to where the Kazekage had directed them.

Kakashi was thinking hard. He hadn't mentenchened Kikyo's name for Naruto's sake to the Kazekage. But the two behind the Kazekage had stiffened at the news of their leader being a part of their team, and disrupting, they also seemed familiar to Kakashi. He just couldn't put his finger on it.

They got to the house where Kikyo was staying. It was a medium house, but unlike every other house that was brown. This house was painted a light blue with orange trims. Kakashi knocked on the door. They waited for a few moments.

The door opened two a man who half his body was covered by skars. Kakashi felt like throwing up. He looked like Obito. "Come to Kikyo and wait for you." they all nodded. They all felt pensive. They stopped in front of an orange door.

"You might not want to go in yet." They all turned and saw Razu, looking smug.

"Razu!" Naruto and Sakrua exclaimed. But the girl put her finger to her lips.

"You don't want to miss the show." they all stared at her in confusion, but now that they were perfectly quiet they heard voices from behind the door.

"I was not your girlfriend, how many times do I have to tell you!"

"Kimi you're not acting like yourself. Why are you acting out?"

"Acting out? Acting out? You try being killed at 18 for something you couldn't control."

I'm in Naruto, and I will help my Sibling be Hokage!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt