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Naruto ran down the streets of her village. She had just gotten back from her three year long training mission with Jiraiya. She had her hair at her jaw that made her look like her father(not that she knew it.) But at that same time her body had grown, and now she was unmistakable as a girl. Wide hips, and a visible chest.

"Hey old man! Can I have some ramen!"

The old man blinked at Naruto(I forgot his name, lol). "Is that you Naruto?"

"Yeah old man! I just got back today!"

He just laughed. He had known Naruto and her sister for a long time, he knew Naruto was a girl. He just never mentioned it to anyone else, like Naruto had asked.

"Well tell you what. Today's bowl is on the house."

Naruto grinned at the old man. "Thank you, your the best!" She began to slurp down her ramen. Before long she had downed 20 bowls "see ya gramps, I'm gonna go find Kikyo!"

The old man froze. 'I can't bring myself to tell her.' He looked at Naruto sadly. He put up the best smile he could, "why not go to the Hokage first? Aren't you supposed to do that when you get back?"

Naruto kicked at the ground. "Yeah, you're right." She started to get excited again, from something unknown to everyone one but herself. "I'll go now so I can find Kikyo!"

The old man watched sadly as Naruto ran off knowing she would be heart broken by the news her sister had been gone for three years.

Sakura was talking to Sasuke. She had gotten over her crush and fan-girly ways shortly after Kikyo left. You could've even said Kikyo had been the catalyst of it. Without the strong fellow girl on their team Sakura had to carry her own weight, and that had finished the job Kikyo had started.

Sakura was constantly training, and practicing her healing, or working with Sasuke on their teamwork.

Sasuke had gotten better as well. His temperament had improved, he talked more, and was not planning to kill everyone in his way. The most noticeable difference was his shirt which was a dark orange, that was hidden in public with his jacket. With that was ambu pants.

"So, you know when the dube will be back?"

"In the next month. Who knows? Maybe that idiot got lost on the road." She chuckled a bit. Sasuke said nothing, he knew she was just as worried as he was. He wasn't sure how she would take the news of Kikyo's leaving and he wanted to be there for her.

"The dubes not that hopeless."

"You're right! she has Jiraiya-sama after all!" Sasuke wasn't so sure, if his memory serves right. Jiraiya was already out with women while Naruto would train.

"Hey Sakura-chan! Sasuke-teme!"

They turned around to see the energetic blond bounding her way to them. Sasuke felt his eyes widen slightly in surprise. Naruto had grown out her hair to her jaw. He looked back to the Hokage monument, then back to the blond. The resemblance was uncanny.

"Naruto! I thought you were coming back next month!" Sakura yelled.

Naruto giggled. "We got back early! How have you guys been?"

"I've been good at Naruto, I've been studying hard with lady Tsunade. I feel like I can keep up with you guys now!" Sakura exclaimed.

"I'm fine. You better not fall behind dube." Sasuke smirked at Naruto's reddening face.

"You damn teme!" Naruto roared and head bashed his head into the ground. Sakura snickered.

"Well that seems like a role reversal." she chuckled to herself.

I'm in Naruto, and I will help my Sibling be Hokage!Where stories live. Discover now