Sugar (Pt. 3)

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I lay back against the door,
and slide my body down
until I hit the floor.

The adrenaline pumping
Through my veins
Is maddening.

I stare at the bag
And the powdery substance
That is maddening
for me.

With a pop,
The zipper slides open
And I can touch the sugar now.
It's maddening.

I don't even have it
The way I usually have it.
I dig my face
Into it.
Taking it all in.
I think I'm going mad.

I feel that sugar rush
Kicking in
Right after I heave it in
It's making me so mad.

I run to the mirror,
And see my pupils
I laugh out
Because this
Is what
The sugar

I really am mad.

I know I hear Frank pound on the door,

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