Getting Adjusted! The Battle Club's Royale!

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As the next morning came, Will and crew all got up getting ready so they could head out for the Battle Club. It took them time to eventually fall asleep but when they did, they were exhausted. Will, with his trusty Bulbasaur on his shoulder was officially ready to go. He had a team planned out, combinations in mind in case of a double battle or triple battle, and back-up plans should one of Will's other plans don't work out too well. "Well.....I guess I'll head out first. Just so that way I can look around for a bit. Plus it'll be fair for all of us to surprise each other with who we decide to battle with." He says to his Bulbasaur who eagerly agreed with his trainer. Will walked out taking a bite out of an apple he had. On his way, he accidentally bumped into someone while trying to leave the Pokemon center.

"Owwwww....geez you gotta watch where you're going...." A female voice called out sounding annoyed. She then took a glance at the curly haired boy who was rubbing his head. "Oh. So another rookie trainer. Sorry but if you're going to challenge the Battle Club, you may as well turn back and move along. You aren't gonna beat me buddy." She said sounding so smug and almost....flirtatiously. On her shoulder was a Chikorita she apparently chose to start with who sounded the same way towards our hero's Bulbasaur.

Will immediately bolted up to his feet looking frustrated by her. "Look lady I dunno who you think you are! But I don't care! You have no right to say I'm not gonna win! You don't know anyone else's skill level yet!" He shouted out in order to defend his honor as a trainer.

This mysterious raven haired girl was still acting so confident and like she owned the place. "I think I'm gonna be the best trainer to ever exist ever. The name's Melony. Melony Belong." She introduced herself.

Will got up to her face ready to fight her. "Well my name's Will and I'm just starting out too. You could be a good trainer but I'm gonna show you that there are still trainers that are better than you. Then you'll get off your high horse "Melony!" He challenged her as He mocked her arrogant attitude from earlier. He showed that he seemed to not like people that were that stuck up and stubborn.

Melony rolled her eyes as she listened to the chattering of this guy while she started to walk away. "Yeah sure that's if you can meet me before I beat my 10 wins. Til then have fun losing right away." She said calmly annoying Will greatly. Which in all honesty was her goal the whole time.

Will grit his teeth as he watched her walk away from him. But he tried his best to not let her get under his skin. It would distract him from his goal of moving ahead and defeat other trainers. Still though, her attitude was really infuriating to him. He walked through Viridian City for a while as he thought about that Melony girl. Once he found a building with some loud music playing, he assumed he found the Battle Club and stepped in. Large groups of trainers were everywhere. The thought of Melony temporarily left his mind as he went to sign in.

While the curly haired boy did so, Jorge was leaning on the sign up area. "You've got to be kidding me. You're actually gonna battle here? Someone like you who showed up so late to get their Pokemon...guess they'll let anyone battle huh?" He said in a condescending tone.

Will looked over at Jorge after he finished signing in. "Well yeah I am. I wanna see how I measure compared to the other trainers here ya know?" He asked him acting calm towards him. "Besides who knows? Maybe I'll surprise you and beat you." He added on not to sound arrogant, but to try and add other variables on the table.

Jorge scoffed at the notion before turning his back on our goofy hero. "Take a look around. These are people that are going to have dreams crushed. You included. Your slacker attitude is going to be your downfall. It takes true talent and skill to be a trainer. Not kindness and sincerity." He said after turning around to face Will. "You? You were just thrown in the world like trash...."

Will stared at Jorge sensing something off about him. A feeling of anger and desire for power. "Well then....I should be honored to be put in this world. Besides, if one works hard enough, even the lowest of low can defeat the most talented trainer." He said trying to sound upbeat.

Jorge smirked as he sees Melony walk in. "That Melony girl that came in....she reminds me too much of you. She said something like that. Only yours is much more annoying...yet comedic." He held out his Pokeball. "Be ready to be annihilated by me and my Pokemon." He then told Will walking off.

After 45 minutes, everyone of Will's friends showed up looking around the large building. They waited together to hear the rules. The owner of the club stood up clearing his throat ready to speak. "Hello and welcome to the Battle Club of Viridian City....we are proud to have you all here. The rules here are very simple. You are free to use any four Pokemon of your choice. No using your Pokemon to attack the opposing trainer as that will result in you getting banned. The spinner will decide how many Pokemon each trainer will use should you run into a trainer you wish to battle. Lastly the one with 10 or more wins gets to battle me for the fabulous prize......this time it is......500,000 pokedollars." He explained sounding kind of bored if he was being honest. He's seen many battles here that weren't all that interesting to him and assumed that this day was not going to be any different.

Everyone spilt off into different areas with Will and his Bulbasaur in the very center. Everyone was very confused as to why he decided that. Regardless a timer had been in place for everyone to be prepared. He saw how ready everyone was as he grabbed onto his watch adjusting it slightly. "Don't worry mom and dad.... I'm not gonna lose do easily...." He said putting his arm down as the counter was ticking down. 5....4.....3.....2.....1. BATTLES BEGIN

(Editor's note: here's where this chapter ends for now. Gotta build up some great battles here. Hope you'll enjoy the few parts in these next few chapters :3)

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