25- Fate=Horace Slughorn

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By the time Wednesday rolled around, Aurora was a panicked mess. She woke up and hour early— which by the way, never did under any circumstance, trying to make an effort with her appearance for once. She was very nervous for her study session with Sasha later that day, and she had absolutely no idea how to properly prepare for these types of things.

She tried to brush her hair out, but that only made it a frizzy mess. She tried to apply some makeup, but ultimately ended up removing it due to greatly resembling a rodeo clown. The only slightly improved version of her normally messy appearance was that she, for once, properly tucked in her uniform shirt and rolled up her sleeves nice and spiffingly. Rory also attempted to actually tie her tie the correct way, but it just looked like a five year old knot.

Diary-Tom had raised his eyebrows when he saw her that morning, with her out of control hair and too-tight tie, but thankfully didn't comment on it. Aurora was thankful of this fact, as her friend had a special talent in making everyone else around him feel dumb.

At first, she'd thought she'd been the only one, however, after seeing the way Tom-two behaved on a day-to-day basis, Rory soon learned that Tom Riddle was actually just insane.

"So that's where I must get it from," she mused aloud to a nearly empty hallway.

Aurora was making her way down to breakfast, choosing to sit with the Slytherin's today seeing how bad she left things with Tom on Monday— Rory had been completely avoiding him after the color war.

She plopped down grouchily in between Rus and Abraxas, Aquila and Tom sitting across from them as usual. At the stir of commotion that Aurora constantly created, her fellow Slytherin peers looked up from their conversations and newspapers— or in Riddles case, a book.

Abraxas choked on his pumpkin juice, while Arcturus snorted unashamedly. "Morning, Armageddon. Don't you think you should sit with the Gryffindor's today, seeing as you're lions mane is taking up half the table?" Asked Arcturus humorously.

Aquila peaked a sharp eyebrow, while Tom went back to his book, probably already over her mere presence. She grumbled, "Very funny. You lot are just very behind on the fashion trends," she retorted smartly as she spread jam onto her toast. Besides, it was sort of true— from what she could remember from Narcissa's old photos, her huge hair would've fit right in the 1980's.

Aquila scoffed. "I'm sure that's what it is."

A loud bang startled Rory from her left, and she didn't even have to look in order to know who the culprit was. Even so, her mismatched eyes wound up resting on Arcturus' face, which had droplets of pumpkin juice trickling down it. He'd slammed his goblet down on the table in his brief lapse of indignation.

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