Chapter 14 - Do I Love Him?

Start from the beginning

The fact that I was that comfortable with Sif made me finally come to grips with our situation.

She looked over at me and smiled warmly.

I leaned in and gently kissed her on her lips and she giggled.

“You’re unusual William.” She smirked.

“How so?”

“I don’t know,” she shrugged, “you’re different to other men.”

“Different how?”

“Well you’re a gentleman.” She giggled, “That’s a good thing; it’s very refreshing.”

“Especially now that I can use a sword right?”

She smirked.

“So what you told me about Kaylee… do you think I should tell her?”

Sif gaped at me, “It’s not the right time to tell her!”

“But shouldn’t she know?” I furrowed my brows at her.

“She should,” she sighed, “but it’s not our place to tell her.”

I sighed.

“Kaylee has her own decisions to make, and when the time comes that she needs to know who she truly is, she’ll find out.”

I nodded. “Does Thor know?”

She shook her head, “There’s only a few people who know about this, Odin doesn’t even know. It’s been a well-kept secret and we need to keep it that way,” She exhaled, “At least for now.”



I’m worried about Kaylee. She’s so deep into this. And me, well I’m a wreck, but I don’t want her to worry about me. It’s just too much.

“But…” she stopped in her tracks bring us both to a halt.

“What is it, Kay?”

“What if I do love him but I don’t know?”

I smiled at her confused expression, “Babes, trust me, if you were in love, you’d definitely know.”

“I just can’t shake it. I didn’t want to come here when Thor asked but now that I’m here, I just don’t know anymore.”

“What are you saying?” I furrowed my brows.

“I can’t explain it, it’s just that since I’ve come here I’ve had the most questionable experiences of my life. And I know what you’re thinking, but it’s not because I’m always hiding behind a book.”

“Are you sure?” I raised my brow at her, “Kay, this is your first time experiencing real life dilemmas. It’s not quite black and white, but you are sensible enough to know that if you aren’t feeling in your heart then it isn’t right, at least not now.”

She gaped at me. “That’s the thing, I don’t know what my heart feels.”

“Aw, hun, you’re torn.”

“Exactly why I don’t date.”

I opened my mouth to tell her it’s because she’s spaz but she stopped me.

“Don’t even say it, Ren.”

She stormed off as I watched her disappear into the castle grounds.

I sighed sitting on the bench by the pond, looking at my reflection, only to have Loki appear next to me.

I blinked hoping he’d go away.

“Having a bit of a dispute?”

I exhaled exhausted, “Please, not now.”

“I’m not here to cause a scene.”

I glared over at him realizing he wasn’t wearing his usual getup. Strangely being able to see his face now, he looked kinda cute. Like someone I’d fancy if he wasn’t evil.

He smiled at me making me jump.

“What are you up to now?” I slide across further making space between us.

“And we were making such progress.” He smirked.

“Don’t you dare start with me,” I raised a skeptical brow at him. “I really want no part with you and your games.”

“But games are the best part.” He leaned closer to me.

I got up. “Maybe I was unclear, I want no part with you.”

He chuckled, “Renee.”

I shuddered at the sound of my name coming off his tongue. And as much as I’d like to deny it, it wasn’t a bad shudder. I back away from him.

He smirked, “See, I’m not that bad.”

He got up following his assault on my senses.

My brain was telling me to run like hell, but my stupid feet won’t follow suit. He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer, brushing my chin with his cold fingers.

I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up from his touch.

“So cold.” I whisper softly closing my eyes, as his lips brushes lightly against mine.

With that I heard a swift wind and when I opened my eyes, he was gone.

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