Thunders, Lightning and Comfort (Tbh)

Start from the beginning

The room was silent with only the sound of pouring rain outside. Slight rumbles could be heard, but you somehow manage to control yourself. "...I have a fear of thunders and lightnings", you started before stopping once more. Tbh only gave you a comforting smile while silently waiting you to continue. 

You were glad that he didn't made fun of you for this, or even tried to scare you further, so you continued on. "I don't know. It just that it can be very loud and it scares the half of me to death", you sighed and fiddled with your fingers ever so slightly. 

Tbh nodded understandingly hearing your explanation. "Hey, its fine. Thunderstorms can be scary, but its okay", he assured you as he hugged you once more. You leaned in slightly to Tbh even more. Another lightning flashed outside the window, followed by a thunder (which is fortunately not as loud as earlier). 

You panicked slightly, but Tbh's firm hug managed to calm you down. After a few more minutes of constant rumbles, the rain slightly lessen till the point it only sounds like soft raindrops and not bullets constantly hitting the windows. 

Tbh grabbed a blanket he found lying around near there (the two of you may or may not have used it earlier when messing around) and gently wrap you with the blanket. He mumbled out a 'I'll be right back', before dashing off to... God knows where. 

Gently rocking yourself side to side, you take a few more deep breaths and recollect your thoughts. 

One, Tbh now knows you have astraphobia, or known as fear of thunders and lightnings. Two, he actually doesn't mock you or make fun of you, which kinda makes you feel bad recalling that you ever thought he'll ever do that to you. And three, now he is going to who knows where and you are slightly worried. But hey, its better like this than constantly tearing up under your mountain of pillows and blankets at home when this is happening. 

Tbh returned faster than you thought with a glass of water, and cookies with milk. "Okay, I'm back", he greeted before sitting down back at his position earlier and giving you a glass of water. "I bought you a glass of water, milk, and a few cookies me and Meme bake yesterday. These are really good, and I hope it makes you feel better !", he gave you a warm smile to try and encourage you. 

You gave him a small weak smile before accepting the glass of water. "Thank you, Tbh". With that you slowly sipped the water in the glass. The feeling of the cool liquid going down to your throat slightly calms you down. 

The rest 15 minutes were just comfortable silence in the room, which is decorated with sometimes small raindrops and the sound of you devouring the cookies. Tbh didn't say anything while silently sitting there and accompanying you.

After you finished, you excused yourself to return the dishes to the kitchen and wash them (which Tbh declined and told you he can do it, but you manage to convince him that it'll be okay). And after that, the two of you are just sitting quietly in the sofa, with you still wrapped under the blanket. 

For the first time in these types of rainstorms, you actually feel safe and comfortable. You kinda regret you didn't tell this to him earlier, otherwise you would've been comforted and knew that you could trust him on these types of things. Your consciousness slowly start to slip away, and Tbh seemed to notice it. He immediately stood up to give you more space if you'd like to lay down. 

But you shook your head in response. "If you don't mind... maybe you can accompany me ?", you slightly fumbled with your words as your cheeks slightly heat up. Tbh gave you a confused look for a second before understanding. "Oh, sure ! If that makes you feel better". He went back to sitting next to you, and with that you draped over the blanket to his shoulder as well. The blanket is quite big, so it'll be enough for the both of you. 

"Thank you, for everything Tb...", you mumbled before closing your eyes. As you were slowly starting to drowse off, you didn't notice your friend's slightly heated up cheeks and small mumblings. But it didn't last that long because he slowly starts to feel sleepy as well. 

The rain slowly stops, the clouds slowly drift away with the wind currents. A small rainbow appeared on the sky which is mirrored to the window of the room you were in, cuddling with a... friend, of yours. 


(Welcome to another chapter on 'Choco trying to make it romantic' but ending up with 'why Choco is cringe' theme part 2) 

(But have to admit, wholesome vibes, eh ? :DD) 

(Writing this comforts me so much idk why ;-;)

(Please make the storm outside go away it has been 2 hours and I've finished writing this ;-;) 

Words count : 1535 words 

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