Xiao Zhan's body tingles with amusement. "We're a mess," he complains, and Yibo's hand pulls out from underneath to rest on his abdomen.

The traitorous muscles spasm in response, automatically revealing his excitement and anticipation at Yibo's taunting proximity to his groin. This pulls his eyes open, as he cannot but wonder why Yibo's hand isn't moving downwards to touch him... where he truly wants to be touched.

He meets those heart stopping, molten brown eyes, and a mind trip ensues.

"That's why we need to finish up first, before we clean up," Yibo tells him, his tone challenging Xiao Zhan to reason in contrary.

"It's past midnight," Xiao Zhan says as he softly cradles the side of his face.

"Mn," Yibo says unmoved. "You don't need to be up early do you?"

"Not really," he says. "Plus I already slept before you came. I even showered."

Yibo's brows draw together. "So why the need for another one?"

"We're stained all over," Xiao Zhan laughs, his hand going up Yibo's torso which he had earlier soiled with his release.

"Look," his hand comes away with the glistening wetness, but Yibo just pulls the arm to wrap around his waist.

"Exactly," he leans forward to nibble on Xiao Zhan's lower lip. "Let's do some more things on your list and then we can clean up."

"List?" Xiao Zhan is taken aback by the mention, and Yibo pauses, his eyes twinkling.

"Your text," he explains and Xiao Zhan is instantly reminded.

"Oh," he blushes away, his cheeks warming pink.

"You forgot?" Yibo teases, and Xiao Zhan scoffs. "How can I?"

"Well, I think we have about three more hours," Yibo says and Xiao Zhan once again breaks out in laughter.

Yibo laughs along as well but his is softer, and only slightly tinged with amusement. The rest of it is just simply to indulge Xiao Zhan because he means every word. Xiao Zhan is soon able to read this from his eyes.

"Three hours?" he exclaims, but Yibo doesn't shy away.

"It should be for the rest of the night but you need to rest."

"Don't you?" Xiao Zhan asks, still in shock.

"Nope," he responds. "My day starts at noon. Similar with yours I'm sure."

This however is not Xiao Zhan's contention. "I'm old," he whines needlessly. "Fucking for three more hours is going to throw my back out."

"You're a kid," Yibo counters. "You can keep going. Unless..." he, stops then and Xiao Zhan doesn't miss the timidity that flashes his eyes.

"Unlesss you really don't want to."

He immediately cradles the side of Yibo's face again. "I want to," he asusures him. "I just feel lethargic all over."

Yibo smiles, that blinding full grin that makes Xiao Zhan's heart stop dead in his chest.

"Ok, I'll make love to you then," Yibo says and kisses him. "So just lie there..." he kisses him again. "... and look pretty."

Xia Zhan scoffs. "I look a mess right now."

"Never," Yibo counters, and Xiao Zhan is left dizzy from the compliment.

"Alright," he eventually agrees. "But I need to pee first."

He tries to get up then but is stopped. "No," Yibo groans and flattens him back on the bed. "My cum will leak out."

Winter Wind (YiZhan)Where stories live. Discover now