Chapter 27 - Louis

Start from the beginning

"Whoa, Lou. Babe. Calm down.", Harry's hands envelop my face, forcing me to bring my eyes up from the dried droplets of blood to his intense eyes.

"I'm okay. It's not mine.", he assures me, rubbing circles on my heated cheeks.

I'm a bit taken aback by that. If it's not his, then how did it get on his clothes? Did he hurt someone?

The fact that my head is trying to commit third degree murder doesn't exactly help me come to a conclusion on my own either.

Harry must see my internal battle when he says something that makes me grin like an idiot, "There is a small chance that I may have taken the trip to a certain someone's ridiculous office and beat them a bit."

"You what?", I exclaim in excitement, "You actually hit Simon?" The thought alone making this really shitty week a hundred times better.

"Threatened him too."

Lord have mercy on my poor, filthy soul. For the images running through my mind does not belong in heaven.

"But why?", I ask in an attempt to hide my own glee.

Harry suddenly looks a lot less happy, the light leaving his now dark eyes, "Because this is all his fault and there was nothing else I could do."

"What do you mean, Haz?", I get more confused and worried the longer it takes for him to answer.

"Because after seeing how broken Niall was over what happened to you. How he blamed himself. Something in me just snapped. The fear and pain that came with the possibility of losing you gave me very limited self control, you know?"

He tries his best to explain, his eyes once again filling with tears. I will myself to scoot over in the bed, allowing Harry to squeeze in next to me in the narrow hospital bed.

He puts his arms around my shoulders while I drape mine over his stomach, our hands intertwining in an attempt to comfort each other. I rest my pounding head on his warm chest, allowing the steady thud of his heart to calm me.

This might not be the best idea, seeing that my entire body screams in protest from the pain erupting all over it. Courtesy of the injuries I sustained from the crash.

Harry sighs in contentment before he continues, "And so I was first gonna yell at the nurses for some information, but I didn't have to. Zayn told me that you were gonna be fine and that I would be able to see you in the morning. Knowing you were gonna live only made me angrier at Simon. Because there shouldn't even be a question, you know? And so I drove over to his office, told him what happened. I was gonna give him a chance to show that he cared and isn't a heartless coward, but he didn't say anything to convince me otherwise. So I did the only sensible thing I could think of."

I can hear how much pain he's in. The way his voice cracks from time to time. How it sounds like he has a cold. He's trying not to let this affect him again.

I rub his hand, tilting my head to the side so I can kiss his chest, "Go on, luv", I urge him.

Harry clears his throat before informing me matter of factly, "And so I grabbed him by the collar and dragged him over his desk. I don't even remember what I did. I was so blinded by rage. But I know that I threatened him to not tell anyone it was me, though. Something about a ditch or something. Then I left and came straight here."

"You're really hot, you know?", I murmur into his t-shirt.

We'll talk about the whole beating Cowbell up later.

"Am I now?"

I can practically hear the smirk in his tone, giving his arm a light shove. "Oh shut it! You know you are. You narcissistic son of a- "

Harry interrupts me by tickling my side, earning an extremely masculine squeal from me. "You know you love it.", he taunts me, his arms having a tight hold on my upper body, his legs intertwined with mine.

I gasp in pretend shock, "Oh my fookin god! I am in love! God save me, please. I won't survive this. Harry's massive ego will consume me until there's nothing left."

"Shush.", Harry whispers in my ear, the warm air making a shudder travel down my spine.

"Jokes aside. You, Louis Tomlinson, are the love of my life."




I've realized that I started writing this fanfiction 2 months ago on Friday. And if I am eternally grateful for you for sticking around through this chaotic mess. I LOVE YOU!

Sorry this took a bit longer than usual, I've been kinda busy.

But hey! Louis' gonna be fine. YAY

And I had to throw in a little bit of Larry too. It was simply just a must.

I don't know how many chapters there are gonna be left, or if I should make a sequel.

So please, comment if you want this to be a lot longer or if you want me to have it shorter, but do a sequel. If I do make a sequel, I'll probably finish this at around chapter 30. But I'd start the sequel immediately.


I've been listening to it on repeat since Friday...I may also have watched all the 1d music videos on Friday with the adults here...maybe.

One of the people who work here is approved. He came in to see my room, and saw my drawings on the wall, right? And it took him less than five seconds to ask if they were drawings of one direction.

Any who, I'm gonna go to bed now. I think. I hope you liked this chapter.

Take care of yourselves and TPWK!!

Please don't hesitate to message me here or on social media!!


- Emily xx

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