New Jersey Special 1/3

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A/n: This story is something that I have written and rewritten over and over again to try and make the best story possible. It has to follow the story of the special and that's what really dialed me back from going and literally pulling a 23 chapter story like Land of the Free. I hope that everyone who has read the Rewritten Series so far finds this enjoyable and if you haven't read the first three rewritten seasons go check em out.

Jon looked up seeing a mass of birds flying over him and sighed ready to have to make some sort of excuse to slip away from Damian who would, in turn, do the same.

"It's the bird guy again," Jon said smiling as Mr. Pigeon on round 69 at this point and a pigeon landed on Damian's head pecking him once before Damian shooed it away aggressively with his hand.

"I HATE BIRDS! They are literally flying rodents!" Damian yelled as another pigeon attacked him walking along with Jon.

"Funny coming from you, what do you think about this whole field trip thing to you know, home?" Jon asked as a pigeon landed on his shoulder and ladybugs fixed everything around them. Marinette and Adrien had everything handled this time so Jon was finally able to catch up with Damian and not run off as Multimouse or Superboy.

"I'm sure it'll be just fine, we're going to Metropolis not Gotham at least they won't be on father's territory," Damian said and Jon just sighed.

"I personally can't wait, dad's gonna meet Adrien for real this time and who knows maybe my teen wishes of having a boyfriend that my dad actually approves of might come true," Jon said hands held together smiling like a little lovesick girl.

"Ugh, I'm gonna vomit," Damian said shoving Jon who laughed shoving his hands in his pockets. "You are the exact reason why I don't do relationships," Damian added standing outside his residence.

"You never know who you might find Damian, keep an open mind," Jon said looking slightly above him to see Ladybug swinging away clearly heartbroken.

"What a great start to a weird day," Chat yelled off the rooftop behind Jon and Damian rolled his eyes opening the door to Nino's giving a nod to Jon and closing the door behind him.

"I just want them to get together already," Jon said as Chat landed next to him throwing an arm around his shoulder.

"Think, a week of bonding in Metropolis will have to get them together, there's no way they both come out of this single," Chat said and Jon frowned.

"Promise?" Jon asked and Chat tugged at the collar of his uniform nervously.

"Well, not promise but they'll at least be closer, Marinette never meddled with us and we turned out fine," Chat said smiling which made Jon relax a little.

"I guess you're right, no meddling," Jon said and Chat jumped away waving and going home to pack on a trip that his father for once agreed with was important because he would be meeting Jon's parents. Oh no, Jon's parents, they'd hate him. He acts like a flirt, dresses in leather to fight crime, and not to mention gets Jon in a bunch of trouble superhero-wise. Adrien flumped down against his bed letting out a groan. 

Marinette sighed in her room staring at a picture of Damian on her phone when she heard a knock on her trap door and saw Jon peeking his head through.

"Hey," he said not even trying to act happy about what she had heard. "Uh, sorry for grossing Damian out of love?" he offered trying to make her laugh before floating over beside her with Mullo and Tikki running a hand through her hair comfortingly. "He'll get over himself soon enough I promise," Jon said and Marinette pushed Jon away.

"I don't want him to change Jon, I want him to stay the same and if he doesn't believe in love then I'll just find someone who does, Luka's nice," Marinette said and Jon laughed a little. 

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