"I'm gonna tell jm/w," Jungkook said. Starla giggled and Jimin tolled his eyes as they walked into the palace together, Layla a few steps behind them as she looked around. Jungkook turned, j/w on his arm. "You good, princess?" Layla nodded catching up, taking his arm.


"Ah, you made it," Namjoon sighed. As they all bowed. "Jungkook-- I was hoping you could help me with something?"

"Of course, hyung."

Layla watched as Jungkook walked away, trialling behind the prince. She turned. "Mom, I'm gonna look for Esther." J/W nodded.

"Be back soon?" She nodded.

She ran down to the stables as fast as she could with her dress. She gasped for air as Tucker turned. "You made it," he sighed. Layla ran her fingers through her hair.

"Hi." He looked around. "My dad's with your dad and I don't think they'll be coming here." Tucker nodded and walked closer to her. She stood, waiting.


"Why'd you call me here?"

"I had to ask you something," he said quietly. She raised her eyebrows. "I was wondering if--"

"You two!" They turned. "I knew it!" Layla stumbled into Tucker's chest as Esther shook her head.


"I won't say anything," she said, reassuringly. "Because Layla didnt say anything to my dad when I had a boyfriend a few years back." Tucker and Layla looked at each other.

"We're not--" Tucker took her hand though and she looked down at it. Esther laughed, walking back into the castle, sucking on her lollipop.

They turned back to each other. "What?" Tucker asked. She pulled her hand away from his and he gave her a small smile. "Can we-- will you-- can I be your boyfriend?" he asked softly. Layla stared at him.

"My dad would kill us."

"Your dad loves my dad."

"But I'm not dating your dad, I'm dating y--"

"Does that mean you're saying yes?"


Meanwhile, Jungkook and Namjoon were finishing up with greeting the guests up front. "I think that should be everyone," Namjoon said. Jungkook nodded. "Let anyone who's late to step in quietly-- it's not a problem," he told one of the guards. Jungkook smiled.

"JM/W will be late, I think." Namjoon nodded.

"No worries but I think Yoongi hyung will want to start soon."

"Hi--" you sighed to see Jungkook outside. He smiled.


"Hey, Koo-- can you give me a hand? There are these flowers out in the garden but I need someone to help me bring some in." Namjoon patted Jungkook on the shoulder before heading in.

"Sure." You smiled and led him around the castle. "What are they for, y/n?"

"Hoseok's wife had her baby this morning," you whispered. He gasped.

"Did she really?" You nodded.

"They'd been having trouble for a while so now that it's finally happened, I think we should congratulate them with some flowers, don't you think?" Jungkook nodded. "And of course, a few pretty ones for their baby as well. They won't be coming this evening so we'll drop them off in the morning?"

"Of course."

"I had a bouquet earlier but Tucker took it." Jungkook giggled.

"What did he want a bouquet of flowers for?" You smiled and shrugged, not wanting to be the one to tell him.

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