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"Y/N." He shook your shoulder a bit. "Pumpkin."


"Wake up," he whispered. You blinked as the room came into focus, Taehyung sitting on the bed.

"What happened?" you asked, rubbing your eye. He helped you sit up and smiled wide as you forced yourself to wake.

"Everything's set." He tapped your knee. "You're getting married tomorrow."

"Oh." You looked away. "Tomorrow."

"We did one last check and the palace looks good, okay?" You nodded. "Okay, I just wanted to let you know in case you'd fallen asleep worrying." You didn't respond. "Go back to sleep, you'll have to wake early so you can go get ready." He stood and you grabbed his hand.

"Tae, what if I get cold feet." He frowned. "What if he does?"

"Do you think you will?" he asked. You shrugged. "I don't think he will."

"How can you know for sure?" Taehyung sat back down.

"I don't," he sighed. "But you'll just have to believe me."


"I don't know, pumpkin," he whispered. "I just don't think it'll happen-- he was there, you know, with Namjoon hyung and I, checking to make sure everything was okay." You looked up.

"He was?"

"Mhm, and he also made sure to ask me if you got the ring." You looked down at your hand. "How dare I not know that my sister got proposed to-- the normal way?"

"No, no," you mumbled, "I woke up and it was in my hand." Taehyung's face immediately fell.

"He was here while you fell asleep?" You pointed outside.

"He came and I gave him water and I was sleepy then I dropped the glass then we cleaned it up then I fell asleep and then he left." Taehyung stared. "You've barely been home so I guess we haven't had the chance to talk." He shook his head.

"Now that the wedding will be over soon, we'll be able to talk more, okay?" You nodded and both stared off to the side until he stood, stretching his arms. "Try to get some sleep, okay?" You nodded

"You too, Taehyung." He rolled his eyes.

"I'll try to schedule sleep in between my agenda of crying over my little sister getting married." You rolled your eyes now and he headed to your door.

"I love you," you said as you slipped back down to let your head meet your pillow. He turned, hand on your doorknob. You could make out his smile.

"I love you too."

When you woke at a more reasonable time that morning, it was courtesy of j/gf.

"Big day!" You groaned as the lights were turned on in your room. "Wake up, wake up!"

"J/GF," you sighed, recognizing her voice. "Please."

"Y/N, it's already five-- you're behind schedule-- you're supposed to have been brushing your teeth by now." You yawned, sitting up. She helped you out of bed. "Kook's coming by with breakfast." You smiled.

"He doesn't have to." She rolled her eyes as you headed to the bathroom.

"We told him, yeah."

Once you'd returned from the bathroom, she'd already had a dress laid out, your other stuff packed up to take to the castle. "Already?" She smiled and nodded, clapping.

"Isn't this so exciting!" You smiled as there was a knock on the door.

"I have muffins!" Jungkook yelled from the other side.

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