bonus: i

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an// i wrote a few bonus chapters for this book as i had some stuff i felt like showing but didn't feel like they fit right in the story. so i have them here and i hope you like them? they were super fun to write and might seem a bit confusing. we have a few that fit right in the story (inbeteween chapters like this one and the next) but after that, we have a look in the futures of jimin, tae, all of their kids, etc! i hope you like :) 

(this would go right inbetween chapter xxxix right before where yoongi and y/n are talking before she heads out. this would've been a scene of the night prior)


"What's this?" You crouched down.


"For me?"

"Uh huh-- and uncle Yoongles." Yoongi stood behind you. "Daddy make it!"

"Thank you." She kissed your cheek and you stood, holding the pie. "Thank you-- your kitchen was fixed well?"

"It took long enough." Esther ran to take Jin's hand again. "Just us thanking you for your hospitality." You smiled.

"No need to thank us--"

"And thanking Yoongi for-- being where you were?" Yoongi didn't respond but shook his head. "Thank you."

"Thank you!" Esther cheered, not really understanding but wanting to take part in the conversation anyway. "Arm okay-- hold hand, Yoongles?" Yoongi looked down at his arm in the sling you'd made him.

"This one?" he asked, raising his good hand. She ran over and took it. "Walk?"

"Uh huh."

They walked off without a word and Jin smiled, gesturing to the pie. "I used the recipe you'd sent me-- I hope it tastes good."

"You've made it before, I'm sure it tastes just fine." He laughed.

"How's he doing-- his arm and everything?" You smiled.

"A lot better-- stitches are just starting to fall out." He nodded.

"Ah, I remember when I got stitches for the first time," he said, hand on his chin. "Right here-- I thought I'd be ugly forever." You shook your head.

"Like you could ever." He nodded.

"I know, I wasn't thinking straight--" Jin turned to the footsteps and you smiled. "Taehyung, is it?" Tae nodded.

"Yes, hello, hyung." You handed Jin the pie and hugged your brother. "Hiya."

"I'm glad you're here but what are you doing-- don't you have work-- and it's freezing outside!"

"I thought I'd see how my favourite sister was doing." You rolled your eyes.

"You have one sister."

"Wow, looks like you're the favourite." You sighed.

"Dinner's soon," Jin piped up. "Will you be staying?"

"Yes, hyung." You smiled, clapping your hands together.

"I'll go find those two then-- apologize for cutting them short and we can eat," you said, excited. Taw nodded. Jin wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"Come, do you want to hear a joke?" Taheyung eyed you.


Jin laughed to himself as they headed towards the dining room as you headed upstairs. Once you were in your room, you found Yoongi sitting in bed.

"Where'd she go?" He gestured to the bathroom.

"Hands hands hands!" Esther ran out, hands out in front of her, a little wet from not being dried properly. You smiled.

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