020 ||Beach Attack||

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[Y/n's POV]

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[Y/n's POV]

The yacht started creaking and moving in the distance and that's when I knew, trouble was coming.

"Well, what can I say... shit gets crazy in the apocalypse," Cap smirked. I wanted to kill him, to see him bleed. But I knew I couldn't and, lucky for him, the zip ties were restraining me.

"Oh, my god," Joel mumbled.

Cap, Dana and Rocko started walking away. Everyone was yelling a series of 'threats' like: 'You can't do this' or 'Help!' or even 'I'll kill you!'

Suddenly, something in the water started moving, quickly but not unnoticed. Rocks started crumbling on the other side of the beach, it was followed by a claw and then... a crab. Or so it looked like.

I had been to the beach many times before the apocalypse, and I can tell you for a fact that crabs were not supposed to be 20ft tall.

Everyone started screaming and, those who could, ran. But Joel and I stayed where we were, we couldn't move. We were tied to metal scraps.

Wait, metal scraps! Dammit, why didn't I think of this sooner! I started rubbing the zip tie up and down the scrap, it kept getting thinner and thinner.

"Oh, my god we're gonna die," Got it! I shook my hands and rubbed my wrists from the pain I was previously in. "Y/n! How'd you do that?" Joel asked.

"Doesn't matter," I went over to him and started to break apart the tie, but it wanted to work. I heard a loud shout from behind me, it was Aimee, she was running at us with what looked like a metal shield. She then hit it against the ties containing Joel.

"You travelled 85 miles across hell, I think I can handle three assholes." Aimee panted. Debatable. Aimee started running towards Cap. Ignoring me once again.

"Joel, come on!" I helped him to his feet. "See that spear?" I asked. Pointing a few feet away. He nodded. "Kill the bastard, I'll take care of Aussie,"

I started to run but was stopped by Joel grabbing my arm. I turned around. His hand fell into mine, holding it secure. He wasn't going to let me go.

"Stay safe," He muttered, squeezing my hand.

"Always," I smirked before running towards Cap.

He was standing on a high-raised platform and I saw Aimee knocked out in a destructed building. Clearly, she could not handle three assholes.

I snuck up behind him, but before I could punch him, he beat me at my own game, hitting me right across the cheek, almost falling over.

"You know, I liked you, I think we would have worked well together," He said, squaring up to hit me again.

"Too bad that feeling isn't mutual," I punched him in the nose and the side of the mouth.

"You know I wanted to keep you alive." Punch.

"Really? I have a hard time believing that," And I kicked him in the ribs, but he caught me.

[Joel's POV]

I was getting ready to put the spear through the crab, but I was cut off by Cap's painful voice behind me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, mate," I turned around. He was holding Y/n by the hair, a knife at her neck.

"Why's that?" I sassed, I pointed the spear at him now.

"Well," Cap put the blade deeper into Y/n's throat. "I'd hate for you to be the one to let me ruin such a pretty face," Cap smirked. "So what's it gonna be Joel? Kill the beast... or let it kill everyone else,"

"Joel, kill the crab," Y/n struggled to say.

"No," I said, tears in my eyes. I couldn't let him kill Y/n, the girl I was in love with, but I also couldn't let the Crab kill everyone else. Shit, he was good.

"Yes, Joel, you can do it," Y/n started crying.

"No, Y/n, I-I cant,"

"Joel, hey, hey hey, remember in the very beginning you said- you said to me that the only thing that matters is each other. Because without that, we have nothing, then we truly are just little specs in the universe. And I believed you," I could see her fully crying, me following. I couldn't lose her... not now. "So, I'm just a spec. I'm just a thing. So you can let go. Because," She whimpered. "Joel Dawson for the last seven years... I've been living to survive. But with you... I'm surviving to live. So it's okay to let me go, I love you, Joel Dawson... I love you," I breathed heavily. Does she love me? She- she loves me? And now she's gonna die. And she'll never know I'm in love with her.

"Isn't that precious," Cap smirked evilly.

Just then, a bark was heard from behind Cap, it was Boy!

Cap's eyes widened, his one leg started giving out and he dropped Y/n, her gasping for air as she put her hand on her chest and neck.

Cap's leg was bleeding, Boy must've bitten him. Yes! Oh, thank God.

I ran to Y/n to help her up.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Shit, that was a stupid question.


"Yeah, yeah what is it?" I said.

"Joel!" She lifted her arm and pointed behind me,

The crab was glaring at me. It started to run. Shit.

It came towards me, throwing Y/n to the side. Before it could lift me up, I grabbed the spear that I had thrown to the side. I was going to kill it, to shove the spear down its throat, but I didn't. Clyde's voice echoed inside my head.

Look in their eyes

The crab's eyes were innocent and they looked like they were in pain. So, I dropped the spear, it started to bring me closer to itself, I removed the shock device on the side of its hard head.

The crab slowly dropped me down and I ran over to Y/n.

The crab narrowed its eyes and started dashing towards Cap, he scooped him up and threw him into the ocean, leaving for the other creatures.

The monster nodded at me as if I were it's equal and went into the water, it started swimming towards the yacht and it killed Dana and Rocko as well.

I was so happy that Y/n was safe. But one thing still had me on edge.

Y/n L/n is in love with me.


Edited (07/23/23)

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