010 ||His Shirt||

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[Y/n's POV]

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[Y/n's POV]

"Where are you guys heading?" I asked Clyde.

"To the mountains," Minnow answered.

"What's up there?" Joel asked,

"A place called Snow Mountain Wilderness. Supposed to be some kind of colony up there full of survivors."

"How have they never been attacked? If they're on the surface they should be vulnerable, no?" I asked Clyde.

"No. The cold and elevation helps keep the monsters away." Clyde explained.

"You should definitely come with us!" Minnow invited. Maybe I will. I mean, when I think about it. There really is nothing for me at Jenner Beach. But, then again, Joel needs me. He can't survive on his own.

"I would but, you know-"

"Yeah, yeah. You gotta go find your girlfriend," Minnow finished Joel's sentence.

[Joel's POV]

"I don't understand, why don't you like Y/n? She's awesome! She can fight monsters and was part of the hunting party!" I felt my face heat up. Is it hot out here? Or is that just me?

Minnow stomped up a hill. I didn't like Y/n at all. I would not let the words of an eight-year-old effect me.

"Minnow." I called out, but she ignored me. "If you knew her, you'd really like her. She's cool. Just like Y/n." I tried to tell her. I was expecting Y/n to hit or elbow me like she normally does when I compliment her. But I felt nothing.

"Well, she's not gonna like you, cause you can't even get out of a Sandgobbler's nest. And, honestly, I just like you because of Y/n and you have a really cute dog." ouch.

"Hurts my feelings,"

"So useless!" Minnow muttered.

[Y/n's POV]

I went up and followed Minnow after she had insulted Joel. I liked this girl more and more.

"I don't get why he doesn't admit he has a crush on you," Minnow looked up at me. I just laughed nervously.

"He has a girlfriend Minnow, he seems pretty keen on finding her." I reminded the brunette girl, "And I don't think he has a crush me. It would be ridiculous." I held her shoulder as she just huffed.

"He's so annoying," She whispered. I lightly pushed her head, in a joking way as she smiled.

"Joel," Clyde said in a whispered/panicked voice.


"Don't move." Minnow and I looked towards Joel. A large Boulder Snail sat behind him. And he had no idea.

"Oh my, God. Why?" Joel quietly panicked.

"Give me your shirt," Clyde told him. Joel just looked at me then back at Clyde.

"My shirt? What do you mean?" Joel questioned, growing more and more worried by the second.

Minnow and I ducked down as the Snail moved behind Joel.

"Your shirt, man. Give me your shirt." Joel looked back at me. Brown orbs meeting my own.

"Give him your shirt, Joel!" I quietly snapped.

"Okay." Joel held eye contact with me, his body trembling.

"Get- Hurr- come on!" Clyde said.

"Do what he says, Joel!" Minnow pushed. I put my hand on her back, reassuringly.

"Give me your shirt," Clyde repeated. Joel still had his eyes locked with mine as his hands quivered.

"Take it easy, that's it," Clyde comforted.

"Is it a Chumbler?" Joel asked me.

"No," My voice barely audible.

"Lean over, man."

Joel broke eye contact with me as he bent over, allowing Clyde to remove his t-shirt.

Joel returned his gaze to mine when his shirt came off. I stared at Joel in awe. I might have been living with him in a bunker for seven years, but I had never seen him shirtless.

When I got out of my unexplainable trance I mouthed:

"It's okay," I felt my stomach drop. I was nervous for Joel.

"Okay, buddy. Easy does it," Clyde walked toward the Boulder Snail, placing Joel's shirt in one of the slots. The snail looked at Clyde as he did it, it was clear the Snail was confused. "All good. On your way now."

Minnow and I stood up as the Snail left. Joel looked at the Giant Snail, fear was leaving his eyes.

"What were you so scared for? Boulder Snails are nice." Minnow said calmly.

"There can be nice ones?" Joel asked in disbelief.

"You can always tell in their eyes." Minnow told him.

"This one probably saved our lives too. Gonna spread your scent all over this hillside. That old Chumbler ain't gonna know which way to go." Clyde said, looking in the direction of the Snail.

"So the Chumblers gonna follow his shirt?" I asked

"Thank you, Mr. Boulder Snail!" Minnow waved.

"Thank you, Mr. Boulder Snail!" Clyde waved as well.

"Thanks," I muttered.

"They're very sensitive, you know. But they'll crush your ass... in a second."

"How lovely," I whispered.

Clyde and Minnow started to walk off but Joel and I stayed put.

[Joel's POV]

Y/n and I were still watching the Boulder Snail slug away.

"Joel, come here," Y/n called. I was a little embarrassed that I wasn't wearing a shirt. She had never seen me like this even though we've been together—living together for seven years.

I took big steps as I walked up the hill she was on.

She crouched down and took her bag off her shoulders. She pulled out a blue piece of fabric.

"Here," She stood up, handing it to me.

"What's- What's this?" I took it from her.

"A shirt," She said. As if it was obvious... which it probably was.

"Where did you get a guy's shirt?" I held it up examining it.

"Doesn't matter. Take it... you need it more than I do anyway." She smiled at me before catching up to Minnow and Clyde.

I pulled the shirt over my head. It was a blue, button-up shirt. It fit nicely over me, gripping in some places and loose in others.

I smoothed it out, attempting to get rid of the wrinkles, before catching up to her.

[Y/n's POV]

That was Tom's shirt.

Tough and Weak 𖣘 Joel Dawson x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant