003 ||Radio Talk||

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[Joel's POV]

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[Joel's POV]

Dear Aimee, this week has been especially shitty. We lost Connor to what looked like a really big ant.

It helps me to draw them. I try to capture their essence, scribble down some notes on how to kill them. Sometimes I think it's the only way I know how to cope with these things.

[Y/n's POV]

I was walking to my room when I heard Joel talking.

"It's Joel, thanks Janice," he spoke. He was talking to Aimee again. It was the fourth time this week.

To be honest, I was always a bit jealous that Joel could talk to Aimee. Jealous that he could talk to someone outside this shitty colony. But I couldn't let him know that. More specifically, I wouldn't let him know that.

I hid behind the wall, still able to hear what Joel was saying.

"Joel, hey!" Aimee greeted over the radio. Her voice carrying some static.

"Hey, Aimee! Hi!" I could hear Joel smile. His voice was louder than Aimee's.

"How are you?" He asked.

"Hi. Yeah, I, uh- I'm good,"

"It's so good to hear your voice."

"I'm so sorry. I heard on the open frequency that one of you guys got killed" Connor. His name was Connor.

"Yeah, it breached the bunker,"

"Wow, it actually got inside?"

"Yeah, it's the first time it's happened. It was kinda scary."

Holding back tears, I took a picture of me and Tom out of my pocket. It was a series of pictures of ones we took in a photo booth the first summer we met. I felt a tear go down my cheek, but I quickly rubbed it away, ignoring it like I had done many times before.

7 Years Ago

Tom pulled up to my house. I saw my mom packing up the car with everything she could find.

"Y/n, where have you been? I've been worried sick," she pulled me into a hug, grabbing my head in worry.

After my mother had finished her greeting, Tom came running around the car to me. He pulled me into a warm, worried embrace. I put my head in the crook of his neck, tears going down my face. He put his hands on my cheeks, cupping my face, I could see he was crying too.

"I love you," he sobbed. Why are the first I love you's always before chaos.

"I love you, too," he pulled me in for a long and passionate kiss as if it was our last."Stay alive okay?" I sniffed.

"I promise," he kissed my head. "Do you?" He smiled through tears.

"I do," I was hoping to say that further in the future as a new hello and not as a last goodbye. But we don't always get what we want.

Tom kissed me one more time before he handed me a series of pictures of us. The photo booth pictures of us.

"I love you." He said one more time before getting back into his truck.

"I love you, too," Why are the last I love you's always a replacement for goodbye.

And within milliseconds, I was yanked into my mom's car.

Goodbye world.

Tough and Weak 𖣘 Joel Dawson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now