015 ||Queen||

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"Queen," I whispered.

Y/n stared crouching down, her hand not leaving mine. She picked up a small hotdog squeaky toy. She threw the toy in the opposite direction. It worked for a little, but the Queen emerged from the ground.

"Run?" She panted.

"Yeah," we bolted in the opposite direction. The Queen followed, breaking everything in her path. I felt like I was in an action movie. We kept running and running. Y/n stumbled down.

"C'mon," I yelled and helped her back up, our hands rejoining as we sprinted.

"Boy! Boy, I can't run that fast!" Boy sprinted ahead. He came to a river edge. Which Y/n and I fell down. She ended up on top of my chest. She groaned, and I realized how close we were. I would have kissed her if we weren't about to be the Queen's dinner. She rolled off of me and helped me up. She led me to a tree trunk that Boy was in. We sat down and panicked. Boy was in her arms, she struggled to get her hand over his snout. I stood up to see if the Queen had gone before I slowly put my hands around her waist, stroking it up and down to calm her. We were centimetres apart from each other. 

The Queen's tentacles came just over the hollow tree trunk we were sitting in. Y/n put her face in my chest, I could see her shaking, trembling. It really wasn't the right time to be doing this, but I blushed, and I blushed hard.

Eventually, I heard the Queen slowly go back into the hole it had dug previously.

"Oh my god, oh I'm so sorry," I whispered into Y/n's hair. Without thinking, I kissed her on the top of her head. She didn't say anything, she just breathed onto my chest since her head was still there.

I saw Boy peek over the edge of the hollow tree, Y/n's head lifted from its position, I was a little disappointed.

"What are you doing?" Y/n whispered to Boy. "Don't you dare." I looked to where she was looking, I saw the red dress that Boy had given Y/n on the ground and it slowly fell into the river. Shit. Boy leaped out of Y/n's grasp.

"No. Wait, Boy!" I whisper-shouted. Boy and I looked at each other for a long moment, as if he was debating on getting the dress. "Don't even think about it" I told him. Boy didn't listen and leaped into the river, barking rather loudly.

"Boy!" Y/n shouted. She looked over the tree trunk and started running, I assumed she saw the Queen and I followed her.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Y/n went to my backpack and started digging through it,

"What are you doing?" I asked through my teeth.

"Where's the grenade?" She commanded. I snatched my bag from her and started digging. I found it in the top pocket.

"Here," I handed it to her.

"You do it," She pushed back to me. "Count to five."

"Count to five,"  I repeated.

I stood up feeling very confident.

"One, two--" Shit, I dropped the grenade,


"Uh, three, four... Five!" I stood up throwing the grenade right when the Queen emerged. Y/n and I jumped into the river, I hope it's deep.

I could see all the Queen's remains fall into the water. Along with Y/n, she was still in one piece though.

I swam to the top of the water gasping for air, Y/n soon followed.

"C'mon," she coughed, swimming to the shore on the other side. I stayed back, looking behind me at the dead Monster.

"Woohoo!" I yelled. "Yes! Oh, my god! Did you see that? Ow," I felt something bite me. I looked back at Y/n, she was squeezing the water out of her wet hair. "I feel like Tom Cruise,"  I gasped. Ow! "What the hell is-"

"Joel, get out of the water," Y/n said very seriously.

"Why?" I asked skeptically.

"Just do it," She commanded.

"Okay, jeez," I swam towards the edge, things biting me along the way. I saw Boy standing, waiting for me with the red dress on my face. "Get that dress out of my face!" I snapped.

"Joel," Y/n helped me up. I saw a leach on my arm, I slowly pulled it off, gross.

I gagged, "Here, let me," She pulled the second one-off. She started unbuttoning the shirt I was wearing.

"Woah! What are you doing," I pushed her away, she just stepped closer.

"You obviously were bitten more than once, undo your shirt," I started unbuttoning it, quickly. I saw at least seven more leeches on me. I gagged once again. Y/n started pulling them off of me. One by one.

"Okay, alright, I think I'm good," I said. "I think you got them all,"

"Nope," She pulled one more off of my neck, followed by my antagonizing scream. I then remembered the reason I got leeches on me in the first place, Boy.

"You! You! You! This is all your fault! What is wrong with you! Why don't you listen to me, huh!" I yelled at Boy. I was so angry.

"Joel, hey, hey, hey, calm down." She put her hands on my bare chest reassuringly. I wanted to stay like this, but I pushed her off of me.

"Do you have any idea what you just did? You almost got us killed! We were supposed to care about each other, okay? I would never do that to you or Y/n! Never! You bailed on us!" I continued shouting. "That freaking dress! I can't take it anymore!"

"Joel!" Y/n yelled, her hands returning to my chest. "You're getting pissed at a dog. Just calm down, okay?" I saw Y/n's head turn around, as she watched Boy run away. I felt bad, I really did, but I was so angry. Y/n put her hands on my cheeks to get my attention back. I found that my breathing slowed down. "We're okay, we're alive, and there are only five more miles to Jenner Beach, oaky?"

"Okay," I whispered, looking into her eyes. I think Y/n is winning the game of tug-of-war.

Edited on (07/04/22)

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