"What time does the party start" I ask

"Nine" Tae say

"One, two, three" I count "I'm not driving"

"Not driving" Miracle say

"Aww Tae in the Range" I say

"As long as y'all keep it cute" Tae say

"Well you just have to drive us there you already know we are not coming back with you" Miracle laugh

I'm the friend that always end up leaving with my significant other at the end of the night. In this case it'll be Trent.

"As long as y'all are okay then I'm okay" Tae say

"Tae when you gone get a man" Kelsey say "that's what I'm waiting on honestly"

"Oop" I say. Tae and I are the closest. I really do not consider him a friend he's family at this point. The ex boyfriends, my brother's death, and my insane family he has witnessed it all.

"When is a man gone get me" Tae correct making me laugh

"Excuse me then bitch" Kelsey say

"A relationship right now can not happen. Nobody gay" Tae say

"Baby you're in Atlanta now not Chicago. Everybody is gay" Miracle say

Once my brother died I had to leave Chicago. Tae and I have been in Atlanta since. So far so good. I believe if we would've stayed in Chicago we would not be as successful as we are now.

"Yeah not my kind of gay" Tae say "and I'm not clarifying it with you bitches"

Tae is very closed about his preference. It's hood guys. He lives for toxic situation. He likes to fight and then have sex. I'll admit the thrill is there but not every time

"Let me call Santana" I say pulling my phone out. I FaceTimed him

"Hey Ari bitch" Santana answer

"Hey girl, where you at" I ask

"In the studio" Santana say

"With that girl babydaddy" I ask

Santana started laughing "Ari mind your business. You being a messy bitch" 

I started laughing "sorry friend. I was calling to invite you out. We going to that party downtown tonight"

"Who is we because I do not fuck with that bitch Kelsey" Santana ask "that hoe don't even know how to party" I'm sure Santana knew I was at the shop because this is FaceTime

"And the feeling is mutual bitch" Kelsey say

Santana started laughing "I'll fuck yo babydaddy hoe"

"Okay Santana you coming" I ask

"Yeah" Santana say "I'll meet y'all there" he's lying. Especially since he's with that boy.

"Okay bye" I say and hang up.

"Y'all might as well get along. All of us are always together. Y'all make it weird for everybody" Miracle say. I really don't know why they have pressure with each other. I'm not asking either because it's not my business. They both cool and I'm not getting in the middle of it.

"Fuck that bitch" Kelsey say

Trent: wassup

Me: hey

Trent: you hungry

My fat ass is never turning free food down. Trent knows that. Eating makes me so happy. Well when the food is good.

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