Start from the beginning

"For what we believe has been happening for the past 10 years, babies have been going missing in Las Vegas. Then 5 years later they turn up in random places, showing clear signs of abuse." JJ explained.

"Where were they taken and found?" you asked.

"All babies were taken from their homes. 5 years ago Charlie Hanson was found by firemen after the unsub dropped him off at the police station and Brandon Lynch was found on the side of the road..." Hotch replied.

"At the same time as the 2 boys were found, two more babies were abducted, and only now have they been found" Hotch continued.

"Ok, hold on so let me get this straight, 10 years ago Charlie and Brandon were taken, then they were found 5 years ago, and once they were found 2 more babies were taken, and returned recently, meaning 2 more babies were or will be taken" Derek clarified.

"Exactly" JJ replied

"Signs of sexual assault?" Emily asked.

"No, there were signs that they had been hit but apart from that, they were fine" JJ replied.

"Why weren't we called in sooner?" Rossi asked

"Police didn't see the link at first, then they did but it was too late, and like always they thought they can handle these kinds of cases until they realised they couldn't" JJ stated

"So have any kids gone missing yet?" Derek asked

"Yes, this time it's a little girl. Lydia Michaels, 5 months old, she was abducted from her home tonight" JJ explained.

"Victimology is all over the place, clearly this guy doesn't have a type" You mumbled as you read over the file again.

"What is he doing with them, I-I'm confused why take a baby, abuse them till they're 5 then abandon them?" Spencer asked.

"Perhaps that's what happened to the unsub, perhaps they were abused then abandoned" You replied.
"And if that's the case then he probably doesn't want to feel alone in his struggle so he does it to other kids"

"We can't keep letting this unsub hurt these children, although he isn't killing them now, it doesn't mean he won't start killing them in the future, so wheels up in 20" Hotch announced standing up from his seat and shuffling his files together.

Everyone got their stuff together and then filed out the conference room, well everyone except Hotch, Rossi, and Derek.

"Y/n, stay back for a moment" Hotch said as you were just about to leave.

"Ok?... What's up?" you asked, you had a pretty good idea about what was up, but you asked anyway.

"Are you ok?" Rossi asked softly.

"uh, yeah?... If this is about my eye, then it's fine. I'll put some ice on it when we get on the jet" you replied casually.

"Is everything ok with you and pretty boy? We've noticed you've been slightly frosty with him... Are you guys in a fight, did something-?" Derek asked

"Woah, Woah, Woah... Pump your breaks" You cut in.
"I hope you're not trying to insinuate that Spencer had something to do with this" You stated pointing to your eye.

"We're not trying to insinuate anything-" Hotch responded.

"Good because Spencer would never lay a hand on me, and the fact that you'd even think that, suggests that you clearly aren't very good at judging someone's character" you interrupted.

"Y/n, we were just checking. I like to believe that no one on this team would ever hurt their significant other, but when you turn up to work with a black eye that you did not have hours before, it is my duty to make sure everything is ok..." Hotch said calmly.

Love without risk {Spencer x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now